Challenge 23: Time (a few for starters)

I am still looking for "the" shot for this theme, but here is a more literal approach to the theme (which I was trying to stay away from, but I liked the color of this clock)... 
Six Thirteen:

Six Fourteen:

Six Thirteen:

Six Fourteen:

I am not sure about the two but you do have a good eye I think you will be very competitive here [darn\] the blue fence is catching ,the second one if i was to pick? i was really impressed with the last challenge shot
ANyways, as I contiinue to look for a shot I am really enthusiastic about, I did take these to go along with the theme:
Time as a function of decay: Rust
Time as a function of moving light: Downtown Chicago
I may end up going with one of these, but this weekend I will seek out the theme a little more.
I like it alot though. My favorite of all the ones youve posted so far. Your first two were a close second though just cause they were an awesome effect and I still cant figure out how you got the fence to look like you did.
Nice work
Sigma SD9, SD14, and DP1
I guess it would have to be the fact that everything here lies very easily. Its a very simple composition. It holds two very simple shapes. Very easy on the eyes.
the 9 o'clock lighting creating the those narrow deep shadows is really cool too.
And to top it off, I love the color scheme.
I'm not so sure how it fits into the challenge criteria, but its a keeper.
I'm enjoying your unique POV, and great job on the Chicago shot--seems pretty viable for the challenge (as well as the last one, which often happens around here...)
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miketaylor01, With the two fence shots, I bassically saturated the colors a little more in photoshop, so the fence takes on a more striking look. The original looks pretty similiar really, but a little less punch maybe because it was a dark shot.
Freeups, the shot you mentioned is sort of minimal and I think that maybe that aspect distracts from the fact that you are looking at rust (decay, time) so maybe it will not work as well for matching the theme.. Depends on the viewer I guess...
Lynn, I think I will use this downtown Chicago one for my submission mainly because it seems to fall into the theme most of them all. I will try to see if I can get a few more possibilities this weekend though, there is always something better out there waiting to be found. <smirk>