Sunday Drive

My part-time consulting job has turned into a nightmare. My client would like to extend me, I don't want to, and there is a considerable amount of money in play here. I'm totally stressed out.
Time for a Road Trip...
I jumped in the motorcar and headed out to the Lake for some fresh air. Driving around the lake is a 110 mile journey. Refreshing, it cleared my head.
More pictures can be seen here.
Happy Monday...
Time for a Road Trip...
I jumped in the motorcar and headed out to the Lake for some fresh air. Driving around the lake is a 110 mile journey. Refreshing, it cleared my head.
More pictures can be seen here.
Happy Monday...

"exxxxcellent" -C. Montgomery Burns
"exxxxcellent" -C. Montgomery Burns
So what did you decide about the job? NICE road trip... snow and fog and clouds really pretty.
"exxxxcellent" -C. Montgomery Burns
So I really shouldn't complain now that I'm getting the shaft job
Thanks a bunch for your comments. Cheers...
"exxxxcellent" -C. Montgomery Burns
Yeah, been there (the job situation). Wish I had been there for the photos. These are really great!!!
My Photos
Thoughts on photographing a wedding, How to post a picture, AF Microadjustments?, Light Scoop
Equipment List - Check my profile
Thanks, all.
Sorry for the rant, last week was really rough. I swear, from now on, I get everything in writing, but for now, it's time to renegociate.
Sometimes, I wish I could open my head and set a timer that would turn off my brain for a while. The wheels never ever stop turning. This is not the best way to live, life is too short. I was hoping my contract would peacefully expire the end of this week, and I could head up to Yellowstone for a week.
Expectations are bad things...
Taking pictures is the only thing that seems to silence my constant internal dialogue. When I'm looking through the viewfinder there is absolutely nothing else. I am 100% absorbed by the task at hand. Nothing else can do that. Not intimate moments with the one I love, not booze, not a book or movie.
I very much appreciate all your comments and emails.
"exxxxcellent" -C. Montgomery Burns
me too buddy
What does it for me is mountina biking. The fear of cracking a skull prevents me from dwelling on problems. Photography doesn't do it for me, but being outdoors with or without a camera comes close. I see now why you are so passionate about photography if it is theraputic for you.
that the door-door version? Have the passes opened yet?
I will probably head back up to the lake in June. Beautiful place it is.