Does sorting order work for anyone?

This is getting a little frustrating.:scratch
1) The order of my Cat, Subcat, and Galleries are pretty much random. They do not stick to the order I assign them.
2) If I create a new album in a gallery, the subcat level above gets messed up. And if I change anything to a subcat, the cat order messes up.
Resorting everything is very troublesome and time consuming, especially when the results seem to be completely random. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't!
1) The order of my Cat, Subcat, and Galleries are pretty much random. They do not stick to the order I assign them.
2) If I create a new album in a gallery, the subcat level above gets messed up. And if I change anything to a subcat, the cat order messes up.
Resorting everything is very troublesome and time consuming, especially when the results seem to be completely random. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't!
so i sorted all the galleries in the order i want before i go to sleep.
wake up, look at the site, and the order is messed up again!
wow, smugmug works really hard! even when i am sleeping!
I've had the exact same problem for about a month now. I e-mailed smugmug help and the person there sorted one of my galleries for me and offered to do the rest, but when I asked if he could just tell me how to do it so that I could do it myself, I never got another response back. And now the gallery that he sorted for me is totally out of whack again.
Not sure how it's sorting itself, but I really wish it would stop.
Hi Neener, thanks for replying
Good to know I am not alone in this, because I really thought maybe I am doing something wrong. I would have thought this would be a relatively straight fwd thing to do... sorting... should be just a flag in the db?!
well if we are no the only two, my bet is that they are aware of the bug. lets hope they fix this REAL soon.
Recently at the help desk we've seen a very few customers asking a similar question. So far we haven't seen a reason why this would be happening with with those photographers, but not with others. We'll need to check with JT.
Andy's traveling this morning, but so far as I know he'll be online later today.:):
Thank you Robin,
I got your email as well. The level of customer suppoer you all provide is absolutely amazing!
Anyway, I don't know why this is happening, but it's VERY annoying to say the least. And it's so random I can't even avoid certain actions to avoid the mix up... I will reply to your email.
Thanks for the feedback on the customer support!
I can't help wishing I had a complete answer for you as well as a quick reply. As it is, we'll wait and see.
I have actually given up on sorting my cat, subcat and galleries for now. I don't think Smugmug is aware how serious the bug is yet as I don't think everyone is experiencing it. Hopefully they will look into it soon and provide a fix. Given their track records in customer support, I have no doubt they will fix it asap.
Hi WS, you're new so I'll let you in on something
We read everything here, and we take issues like this VERY seriously. In fact, we're testing a possible fix to this issue right now, and we hope to have it out soon. I don't have any promise on if / when, but I wanted you to know that it's very important to us.
Sorry it's causing you some trouble, and I ask your patience a little while longer
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Thank you Andy.
I look forward to the fix. If you want any beta tester, feel free to contact me as well.
The customer support is partly why I went for the Pro account even though I don't really NEED it.
cheers, ws
Yap mine too. Very frustrating still...
The problem is the same ans has been described in great details in this thread. The sorting, after saving, simply loses the order one specifies. In my case, I simply sort by Title (usually reverse), save it. Saving often takes up to 45 to 60 secs. Initially the order will be correct, but give it a few hours, and the orders will get messed up...randomly.
Also - choosing to Sort by title on the arrange screen does not force all future galleries to be put in their correct spots. It simply sorts the available galleries that one time for you. If you upload a new one it will go to the top. (I am sure you knew this, just want to be clear)
I don't know if I'm experiencing the same thing, but here's what happens to me.
I sort my categories and they stay in order just fine. Let's say they are in this order.
A B C D E F G (I'm logged in in IE)
Now let's say B D and G are private and in a sharegroup but I haven't looked at it.
When I log out I see this
I stay logged out and look at the sharegroup, when I return to the home page I see this
And finally, when I log in, I see this
Is this the same or a different problem?
If it makes any difference, the site is and the sharegroup I used for the test is "neighbors".
Let me be clear, NONE of the sorting works, on Cat, Sub Cat or the actual Albums. They just don't work and fail randomly. There's no pattern whatsoever that I can detect (and I am used to do bug fixing!)
Is this issue gonna sink to the bottom and never be addressed?
Uhm, we fixed this bug a week or two ago...
WS, you have your categories set to be organized by position. Is that what you want? This feature of arranging galleries is working fine for me, as late as yesterday - so I need to validate how you are using it, and how you expect it to behave.
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This issue is happening to me as well, and is driving me crazy!
I have a subcatagory full of 11 galeries arranged by position, one each from the last 11 months so its only logical they be in order. Every night I have to go back in arrange them manually using the arrange tool. Save it, and everything is great for a while... Usually by 5pm the next day the galleries order is scrambled again.
Today the scrambling happend sometime between noon and 4pm. I didn't modify any of these galleries or the subcatagory today at all. The only thing I've done this afternoon is create and upload (using the java web client) some pics to a new gallery in a completely different top level catagory...
I've been creating new galleries pretty frequently as I'm new here and just starting to move all my stuff over from photoreflect and collages... Any chance creating a new gallery could trigger the re-arranging. The weird thing is I have a sub-catagory for weddings and galleries in it also arranged by position in a specific order and it has never scrambled itself, ever...
"fix" really depends on how you sort you galleries and categories and the expeceted beahvior when you upload.
I should be able to get to it by next week some time.
This isn'tjust about categories. it goes all the way into the albums levels as well.
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Cleared cookies and cache. FF & IE 6
Edit: I hit this sub-cat and only one gallery shows.
Maybe haven't been cached yet?
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you've been a good sport through this one!
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