1st posting-Shots of the Anti-War Rally in SF
Hello all,This is my first post to Dgrin and as such, I thought I'd open up with some pics I took last weekend at the huge Anti-war rally in SF. I'm very much intrigued with the style of PJ.
My equipment consided of:
Nikon 18-200
Tokina 12-24
Nikon 50 1.8
Most of the photos have not been postprocessed. Only some cropping done to bring out the subjects in some of the shots.
I welcome your generous comments and constructive criticism.

My equipment consided of:
Nikon 18-200
Tokina 12-24
Nikon 50 1.8
Most of the photos have not been postprocessed. Only some cropping done to bring out the subjects in some of the shots.
I welcome your generous comments and constructive criticism.

I enjoyed your gallery. Two of the pictures you posted here didn't load for me. - You might want to check into that.
I think some of the pictures you didn't attach here, carried better emotion than these, but I think the ones here all have decent composition, and carry a level of civility that should be present in protests. All in all good shoot though. It made me wonder why I went with Canon 20D instead of the Nikon line. Great Color, Great captures.
Hers: Sony SR10, (Soon Canon 5D MKII), 85 f1.8, 28-135 USM, Stroboframe, Manfrotto NeoTec
Ours: Pair of 580 EX, Lensbaby, Studio Alien Bees, Son & TWO Daughters
"exxxxcellent" -C. Montgomery Burns
The first shot is improperly formatted in the IMG tag, and it's not showing up. You need to use the "forums" formatted link, like you did in the others.
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1st pic is the pick of the crop.
Canon 350D
Canon EFS 18-55mm kit lens
Canon 75-300mm
Fuji FinePix S9500 9 Megapixels
Simone's Expressions - Yarn Over Hook
Sometimes we dont do things we want to do so that others will not know we want to do them. - Ivy Walker - The Village
...and welcome to Dgrin
Incidentally, I attended the rally as an observer. My brother even remarked "What on earth would possess you to do that?! Shouldn't you be playing golf today"
By the way, of all the shots I took that day (217), the shot of the girl with the peace symbol stickers on her face struck me as the most poignant.
So much innocence in her eyes.
Like someone said "F8 and I was there
Peace and Godbless!
Get them by age five and you've got them for life. Sorry had to add a little cynicism.................................Mereimage