Feature Request - Print Packages

With the holidays just around the corner - I'd REALLY like to see a mechanism in the store-front that allows us Pro users to create 'packages' of prints. Bundling multiple prints (of the same image) into a single package price would certainly help my sales .... and I suspect many others'.
Please consider this carefully - as it would be another GREAT feature to have.
Please consider this carefully - as it would be another GREAT feature to have.
I'd like to be able to define a package of two or more 'standard' items that could be given a 'name' and corresponding pro-price. These 'named' packages would then be available for the entire gallery or site (using the present tiers, less individual image). Sounds simple - but I'm sure there are internals that make it a bit difficult.
Baldy or OneThumb .... any thoughts?
Thank you for your consideration.
Thanks for the suggestion!
All the best,