Gorgeous Duck, no ID in book
I told another photographer
that this duck was easily
found in the books, well, I
can't find it in two books.
Anyone know?
Is the red bill just the late afternoon light?
Other things do not fit my descriptions
even for breeding birds.
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
hopefully this helps
Lovely lighting you got there Ginger!
But that duck is gorgeous. The light has been fantastic there just before sunset, for an hour at least. No leaves on the trees and all, it is almost like a different place, but the leaves are coming and fast!
I took some of the yellow out of that shot. I am getting a bit tired of the light actually. It seems to really work sometimes and other times it just muddies things up. Even with all the yellow I took out the bird still glows.
Thanks for stopping, commenting and giving me the information!
in Marin County, I can't remember the name of the town right now. It took me a bit of googling before I could make an ID.
The male in particular is a spectacular specimen, don't you think?
We've got them here too:
They are amazingly colored. I was really astonished seeing such beautiful ducks outside a zoo, when I first saw them here in Leipzig in a park. Haven't seen them before, not even in a zoo.
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I see you're in Charleston. We're in Summerville.
Hey Jack, just woke up but PM coming.
Thanks all of you! Sebastian, yours is a great shot!
Very detailed. At the Gardens they are there, but not
that close. And if they find out that they are close,
they are a goin'.
Been trying to get some good shots of the egrets as they're nesting now. Got some, but nothing to write home about yet :-).
But, I did manage to get a pretty good one of the 'gators:
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