Ch 61 Watching Whiteread

Took a half day off yesterday & nipped into central London to get a few possibles.
Would love some C&C as to whether I'm on th right lines please. Here's a sample

These ones were more difficult as I was inside the Tate Modern Turbine Hall & the white boxes are the award winning piece by Rachel Whiteread entitled Embankment. Is there too much noise, to little clarity etc?

I look forward to your comments
Would love some C&C as to whether I'm on th right lines please. Here's a sample

These ones were more difficult as I was inside the Tate Modern Turbine Hall & the white boxes are the award winning piece by Rachel Whiteread entitled Embankment. Is there too much noise, to little clarity etc?

I look forward to your comments

Iconic Creative
"To be creative means the ability to remain thirsty and to want more, never be keep on seeing, discovering and understanding the joy of creativity"
Raghu Rai
Iconic Creative
"To be creative means the ability to remain thirsty and to want more, never be keep on seeing, discovering and understanding the joy of creativity"
Raghu Rai
i love the concept of the white boxes...i think that needs some more exploring.
play around with your composition and definitely try to get some light in there! (maybe different time of day or something)
An award winning room full of white boxes
Canon 350D
Canon EFS 18-55mm kit lens
Canon 75-300mm
Fuji FinePix S9500 9 Megapixels
Simone's Expressions - Yarn Over Hook
Sometimes we dont do things we want to do so that others will not know we want to do them. - Ivy Walker - The Village
Boxes being my first choice, I agree with bigwebguy. If you can't get back to shoot you could try and work it in photoshop.
The street shots are ok, tho' need a little more 'something' for dramatic impact to rise above mere record shots.
The Tate Modern shots are more interesting and altogether more challenging as a subject. I visited before last Christmas and found the light levels a real challenge and all the boxes difficult to show scale wise - the first is best. #2 WB is a bit wayward and could do with cooling off a touch imo.
Keep up the good work
Here's a couple more (untweaked):
Iconic Creative
"To be creative means the ability to remain thirsty and to want more, never be keep on seeing, discovering and understanding the joy of creativity"
Raghu Rai