Guest password fears

I was just tracking some hits to my site using StatCounter. I noticed that someone was nosing around in some of my private galleries. There arent any links to these galleries anywhere on my site or anywhere else. Now, I have given a guest password to 2 people so far so they could upload some pics to my site. After they were done, I changed the guest password to some random gibberish, like Andy told me to do.
So, my question is, can those 2 people who used my guest password still have access if they never logged out?? I also cant rely on those people who I give a guest password to do the right thing & check the "im using a public computer, done keep me logged in" box.
Please let me know if I can do some sort of reset on my site or something to clear everyone out who never actually logged out, because frankly, this kinda scares me a little. Thanks.
So, my question is, can those 2 people who used my guest password still have access if they never logged out?? I also cant rely on those people who I give a guest password to do the right thing & check the "im using a public computer, done keep me logged in" box.
Please let me know if I can do some sort of reset on my site or something to clear everyone out who never actually logged out, because frankly, this kinda scares me a little. Thanks.
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My guess is that guests would stay logged in until the appropriate cookie expires (I dunno which one it is or when it expires), regardless of how many times you change the password.
It'd be nice if changing the guest password could automatically expire/log out any guests currently logged in.
edit for correctness: Thanks to Andy for elaborating below--the guest login cookie automatically expires when the browser is closed, so they're essentially logged out then.
I must say, I find this to be an extreme lack of security on Smugmug's part. Why cant you guys just set up the guest passwords to automatically log out when the person closes their browser?? I cant see any reason why a guest should stay logged in after they end their browser session. So, what does this mean?? That theoritically, those 2 people I gave a guest password to can stay logged in forever until they actually hit the logout button??? Sorry, but that is total BS.
Look, I know its been brought up like a million times here, but the guest password system needs to be re-worked asap! It gives people WAAAY too much access. I just wanna be able for others to occasionally upload pics to my site, not give them access to the whole damn thing. (Yes, I know its not total access, but its still too much.) Also, I (we) cant count on the people we set up guest passwords for to always do the right thing & click that "dont keep me logged in" box or to hit the logout button when their done. Its not that I dont trust the people I gave it to, I just dont like the idea that they can see all my private galleries, can nose around in the settings, edit captions, see html, etc. I dont have anything to hide, its just a creepy feeling.
So, here is the deal. Is there any way possible that me or you guys at Smugmug can do some sort of reset on my site to kick those 2 people I gave the guest passwords to off?? After that, im never using this feature again until you guys get your act together & fix this, because say what you want, it IS a security risk & I dont dig on those. Sorry, im just a little angry about all this. If I had known, I would have NEVER used the guest password feature in the first place.
I would like a straight, solid answer to this. Thanks allot...Kerry
OK - here's your straight, solid answer:
Kerry, think of the Guest password as an "assistant's password." Be very careful whom you give it to. The cookie has an expiry, and so if you change the pw, the old one will not be valid. We leave it sessioned, so that if a valid guest closes and reopens, they are still logged in (just like you are, as account owner).
Security risk you say? OK - then don't give out guest access. I'm sorry, but the feature is a tough one - some folks need to have the upload and arrange access etc, but we also need to balance out the business risk of essentially enabling someone to set up mini-smugmugs with one account.
Kerry - you said that "it's been brought up a zillion times" but then you also said "if I had known...." so it sounds to me like you understand what the feature does and how it acts... if I'm wrong, fire your questions back and I'll be happy to address them.
I hope this helps.
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I do for the most part understand how the guest password works, but I honestly never thought that the user could stay logged in after I changed the password, and even after they close their browser after the fact. That just seems like a no-brainer to me, so I never thought to ask, but I should have. I dont think most people are aware of that fact, but maybe im wrong.
So, how long 'till the cookies expire & these people who never logged off no longer have access to my site?? Thanks...Kerry
But they cant - if you find otherwise - let us know? Thanks .
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So, just to be sure. Lets say I give someone my guest password so they can upload some pics. When they log in, they do not check the "im using a public computer, dont keep me logged in" box. The person logs in, uploads the photos & then just closes their browser without logging out. After that, I change the guest password to something else. When the person who uploaded the photos opens their browser back up & goes to my page, are they still logged in???
I thought asd said he/she tested this & it was still logged in, even after they closed their browser & changed the password.
of course you can
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Are you sure I can do that, Andy??
Yes, remember I told you earlier that the reason it's not resolving is due to the joker problems. Your website can't be hit now anyhow ...
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Kerry, west coast calif and I can't ping your site
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Did you ever get a response from Joker? I know someone earlier said they had something up on their main site about an outage. But, it would still be good if they responded. Im thinking about just moving my hostname to another service. I know outages happen, but the lack of a response from them makes me reconsider.
What do you think??
They had a DDOS attack, and responded with an email saying that they were working on the issue. It's not inconceivable that some parts of the internet can't reach your site via
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But, back to topic. As far as testing the guest password myself, I will wait until this Joker thing gets resolved just to be safe. I would hate to delete my hostname & be unable to change it back for days, 'cause like I said, allot of people are hitting me just fine now, and some are better than none. But as soon as it gets fixed, I will do the test myself & we will continue the topic. Thanks for chatting, Andy!
But, in the meantime, if anyone out there who isnt using a custom hostname from Joker can feel free to do the test & report back. To be continued...Kerry
My bad for not playing around with the feature thoroughly before posting.
--Andrew, learned something today, before 9 AM even..
So I'll grant that it's not a feature that's easy to gr0k at first, we really need to be careful about how it's used, so intentionally it has lots of power.
Maybe we should call it "assistant's password" or some such?
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That was really the only part that concerned me & why I made a little fuss about it, so sorry for any misunderstandings. From the other posts, I honestly thought the guests would still be logged in, even after the password was changed.
I still think the main user (us) should have more control over that feature & be able to choose what the guests can see/do. After all, us smugmugers are control freaks.
That actually sounds like a really good idea. Small UI change to get a better idea of the message across.
Kerry, I *promise* you, I wouldn't steer you wrong
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