Thats a bit rude isn't it. I'm not totally sure who you were calling an idiot, but Silica sounds like the only one in this thread that truly sounds like he knows what he/she is talking about. No offense meant to anyone else.
There is no one exercise that will fix all back problems. General good fitness and exercises designed to help both the back and the abdomen are good ideas for all of us. For treating specific back injuries it would be best to rely on your physician/therapist recommendations.
Sometimes people need rude to wake them up to the pile of bull**** they are sprouting. I wouldnt know if silica is a 40 year experienced thorasic surgeon or some 'got my certificate in a cornflacks packet this morning' homeopathic back cracker.
Dont quote me with something im not saying..ok...get my argument right before you start floundering in the water next to waxy ! I am not advocating ANY particular exercise...i am saying that anyone whom tells someone to do lower back extentions without consultation with a pro or lead up is a fool.
Get back to me when you've actually done the exercise.
No calming down to do at all mate...just wanting to point out that you are dead wrong & you are feeling very very uncomfortable with it.
In the past 25 years i have never not exersized....i will go to a gym 3 days a week & can run up to 60 miles a week....and manage lower back problems daily.
Dont quote me with something im not saying..ok...get my argument right before you start floundering in the water next to waxy ! I am not advocating ANY particular exercise...i am saying that anyone whom tells someone to do lower back extentions without consultation with a pro or lead up is a fool.
I didn't quote you as saying anything other than what was in the quotes in my reply. The second paragraph only pertained to the general subject.
No calming down to do at all mate...just wanting to point out that you are dead wrong & you are feeling very very uncomfortable with it.
In the past 25 years i have never not exersized....i will go to a gym 3 days a week & can run up to 60 miles a week....and manage lower back problems daily.
Next ?
And yet you haven't even done the exercise you're such an expert on?
If I want useful advice about something, I tend to listen to people who have actual experience with it. :cool
On a separate note, it's a pity that in an innocuous little thread about back pain, five our your last seven posts have taken personal jibes at some of us. That's just not necessary, Gus. Take a chill pill.
As for me, I'm about to do 30 minutes on an elliptical trainer.... then do two sets of 15 backs extensions on the exercise ball! Call the ambulance!
And yet you haven't even done the exercise you're such an expert on?
If I want useful advice about something, I tend to listen to people who have actual experience with it. :cool
On a separate note, it's a pity that in an innocuous little thread about back pain, five our your last seven posts have taken personal jibes at some of us. That's just not necessary, Gus. Take a chill pill.
As for me, I'm about to do 30 minutes on an elliptical trainer.... then do two sets of 15 backs extensions on the exercise ball! Call the ambulance!
Again for ..what ? maybe the 5th time mate... you are NOT in a position to be issuing medical/training advice. You are not a gym consultant...dr...the list is endless.
Give camera advise in here till the cows come home but i will not sit here & watch someone pass out information that could seriously injure someone. And to clear the assume you know my exersize routine ? Can you enlighten me as to what it is just for the books ?
Hows that hole your digging going ? In china yet ? Just call out when you want some more rope.
OK, guys...calm down the testosterone. Your levels are WAAAAAYYY too high! None of us are experts other than what we know from our own experiences. Gus, I know your passion comes from feeling your knowledge comes from someone who has been there and done that. And I think Waxy feels the same. But this battling among yourselves accomplishes little :beatwax . Remember the goal is to help each other on this forum and back pain seems to be a fairly common denominator among us. Photography IS hard on the back, so seeking answers here is a wise course to follow, though for medical advice we can only hand it out with a grain of salt that comes from personal experience. Remember that what works for one person may not be the answer for someone else.
Back (muscle) strain is not the same as a ruptured disk, so they have different courses of treatment that need to be followed. My problem was (and still is) lower back ruptured disks pressing on nerve roots, so my experience is limited to that situation.
For me, any exercises that involved twisting the upper body from the waist were especially bad. Leg lifts of any sort made things worse. Doggie style exercises were the pits...and regular sit-ups a misery. These were the sorts of exercises being recommended by doctors and therapists at the time of my back problems. All of them hurt my back even more, so I set out to find my own answers.
I noticed that whenever I sneezed, severe pain shot through my back like a bolt of lightening. I quickly discovered if I would support my abdomen with my hands and brace myself when I felt a sneeze coming on, my back was spared that excruciating pain. So I took that experience and expanded on it to focus more on exercising my stomach muscles, which were in poor shape after motherhood had stretched them out. And I found that focusing on abdominal strengthening exercises produced the best result for me. Guys with a pot belly have the same tummy issues as pregnant women, so it's not just a "female" thing.
Anyhow, I think a lot of good advice has been offered. Take it all with a grain of salt. Talk to the pros (docs and therapists), listen to those who have been down the same road, but best of all...listen to your own body! If an exercise makes your back feel're on the right track. If it makes it hurt more, then by all means STOP DOING IT!!! Experiment until you find what works best for you and realize that not all pain and backs are alike, so what works for one may not work for another. Yes, there are certain commonalities for all people, but we are not all made equal.
Gus, you're pretty much a giant of a man who was in (I'm assuming) fairly good physical shape before your episode. Age, weight, physical condition are all factors with huge variables from one person to another and that is why I say one man's meat is another man's poison. None of us has it exactly right for the next fellow, because the next fellow has a different set of variables. So, can we all just get along now and not fight over who is "right" and who is "wrong"? If Waxy's back extensions are helping him, then more power to him! If they don't work for the next guy, that's just life.
Good Luck and Good Shooting, everyone!
Consider this...even docs and physical therapists may not have all the right answers...they are only passing on what they've been taught, not necessarily what they learned through personal experience! I've learned to not trust the medical profession so completely (it is called the PRACTICE of medicine, after all ). To be honest, most of my problems were only made WORSE by the doctors who supposedly could make them better! You've heard it said, doctors make the worst patients (cuz they're good at handing out advice, but terrible at following it, lol!) Personal experience is the best teacher and makes all the difference in the world~
If someone has lower back pain then they should not begin an exersize programme of lower back extentions on the advise taken from an internet photographic forum.
If someone has lower back pain then they should not begin an exersize programme of lower back extentions on the advise taken from an internet photographic forum.
! Gus, I can certainly agree with that advice! Like I said, we can only take each other's advice with a grain of salt (in other words, not as gospel but lightly, as they are only opinions). No one should jump into exercise without doing some personal investigation first, and no one should continue to do any exercise if it aggravates the problem rather than helping it.
Ya know I luv ya, ya big galoot! Now will you and Waxy please go kiss and make up?! ~Nee :smooch
Dont quote me with something im not saying..ok...get my argument right before you start floundering in the water next to waxy ! I am not advocating ANY particular exercise...i am saying that anyone whom tells someone to do lower back extentions without consultation with a pro or lead up is a fool.
No calming down to do at all mate...just wanting to point out that you are dead wrong & you are feeling very very uncomfortable with it.
In the past 25 years i have never not exersized....i will go to a gym 3 days a week & can run up to 60 miles a week....and manage lower back problems daily.
Next ?
I didn't quote you as saying anything other than what was in the quotes in my reply. The second paragraph only pertained to the general subject.
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And yet you haven't even done the exercise you're such an expert on?
If I want useful advice about something, I tend to listen to people who have actual experience with it. :cool
On a separate note, it's a pity that in an innocuous little thread about back pain, five our your last seven posts have taken personal jibes at some of us. That's just not necessary, Gus. Take a chill pill.
As for me, I'm about to do 30 minutes on an elliptical trainer.... then do two sets of 15 backs extensions on the exercise ball!
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Again for ..what ? maybe the 5th time mate... you are NOT in a position to be issuing medical/training advice. You are not a gym consultant...dr...the list is endless.
Give camera advise in here till the cows come home but i will not sit here & watch someone pass out information that could seriously injure someone. And to clear the assume you know my exersize routine ? Can you enlighten me as to what it is just for the books ?
Hows that hole your digging going ? In china yet ? Just call out when you want some more rope.
Back (muscle) strain is not the same as a ruptured disk, so they have different courses of treatment that need to be followed. My problem was (and still is) lower back ruptured disks pressing on nerve roots, so my experience is limited to that situation.
For me, any exercises that involved twisting the upper body from the waist were especially bad. Leg lifts of any sort made things worse. Doggie style exercises were the pits...and regular sit-ups a misery. These were the sorts of exercises being recommended by doctors and therapists at the time of my back problems. All of them hurt my back even more, so I set out to find my own answers.
I noticed that whenever I sneezed, severe pain shot through my back like a bolt of lightening. I quickly discovered if I would support my abdomen with my hands and brace myself when I felt a sneeze coming on, my back was spared that excruciating pain. So I took that experience and expanded on it to focus more on exercising my stomach muscles, which were in poor shape after motherhood had stretched them out. And I found that focusing on abdominal strengthening exercises produced the best result for me. Guys with a pot belly have the same tummy issues as pregnant women, so it's not just a "female" thing.
Anyhow, I think a lot of good advice has been offered. Take it all with a grain of salt. Talk to the pros (docs and therapists), listen to those who have been down the same road, but best of all...listen to your own body! If an exercise makes your back feel're on the right track. If it makes it hurt more, then by all means STOP DOING IT!!! Experiment until you find what works best for you and realize that not all pain and backs are alike, so what works for one may not work for another. Yes, there are certain commonalities for all people, but we are not all made equal.
Gus, you're pretty much a giant of a man who was in (I'm assuming) fairly good physical shape before your episode. Age, weight, physical condition are all factors with huge variables from one person to another and that is why I say one man's meat is another man's poison. None of us has it exactly right for the next fellow, because the next fellow has a different set of variables. So, can we all just get along now and not fight over who is "right" and who is "wrong"? If Waxy's back extensions are helping him, then more power to him! If they don't work for the next guy, that's just life.
Good Luck and Good Shooting, everyone!
Consider this...even docs and physical therapists may not have all the right answers...they are only passing on what they've been taught, not necessarily what they learned through personal experience! I've learned to not trust the medical profession so completely (it is called the PRACTICE of medicine, after all
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
If someone has lower back pain then they should not begin an exersize programme of lower back extentions on the advise taken from an internet photographic forum.
Ya know I luv ya, ya big galoot! Now will you and Waxy please go kiss and make up?! ~Nee :smooch
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~