Your Help Please
I caught my wife in a pensive mood.
Does the burned out sky on top bother you? If so, how would you fix it?
C&C Welcome
Does the burned out sky on top bother you? If so, how would you fix it?
C&C Welcome
Thanks is my portfolio and is my blog.
1) drink the rest of the wine, or
2) build a higher fence, or
3) crop it out, or
4) select and replace or fill in with some effect (I sometimes use nik color effects graduated blue), or, better yet,
5) wait just a little longer for someone who is not such a smartass who will give you some decent and knowledgeable advice-
sorry- long freakin' day-
ps otherwise, I like the pic-
Days don't get too much longer than the ones at my job lately. Without my camera I'd be nuts. There are thise that argue that even with my camera I am well outside of normal.
Don't apologize for your day, feel free to edit / crop and repost. Just tell me what you did because my one brain cell is very tired by Friday.
filled with lt blue-
used nik color effects grad blue-
don't like it -too fake-
remember-DON'T BLOW OUT THE HIGHLIGHTS-(if you can help it)-
But I'm crazy, so take it with a grain of salt
no on the sky as it is (no offence, saurora)-
me, I'm going to start taking pictures of skies and stock 'em so I can just cut and paste-
to me, this is one of the biggest pita's I can face on pp a pic-
will research it but in the meantime I hope you keep getting some ideas and suggestions from all-
ps I bet andy's got some good ideas---andy?-
To me, the dog that you almost see is more of an distraction - but I don't think it ruins the picture. If it was my pic, I would crop out approx. halv the sky and clone out the dog. But the pic is fine as it is!
and no offense at all-
I don't mind you being wrong-:D
Saurora, how perceptive of you.
My wife is recovering from her second cancer surgery, performed on March 6th. While pathology, etc all look good, we were told that the chances of it returning are very high. These surgeries are major and take an enormous toll on her...and me.
The news of today combined with the likelyhood of the future put us both in a bittersweet, pensive mood. That's what I hoped to capture in this shot. This shot was less candid portrait as it was more photo journalism.
Everyone's opinions and insights are more than welcome, we appreciate your help!
Tamron AF18-200mm F3.5-6.3 XR Di II LD
Tamron SP AF17-50mm F/2.8 XR Di II LD Aspherical
Nikon 60mm f/2.8D AF Micro-Nikkor
Nikon SB-800 Speedlight
My prayers go out to both of you for what you are having to endure. It's a lovely shot, (color and black and white are equally nice) and you captured her mood perfectly.
FWIW, I agree with Matty. The blowout is a technical fault but your subject is strong enough to carry the image anyway. Some of the most moving pics I've viewed aren't "perfect" technically either
I like the B&W treatment you did. To me it best conveys the feeling of deep thought or pensiveness.
The clone out of the dog was done very well Andy
Good work and a very nice spur-of-the-moment shot
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your beautiful wife
i like this shot a lot, her blue shirt is particularly vivid, well done.
I have learned something with this shot. If I'm selling wine, use the color shot. If I want the pensive mood and draw more attention to my wife, then use the B&W.
I experimented with different croppings. Which is your favorite?
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