Abusive users?

Is there a policy for handling abusive comments?
I believe the comment in http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=30624 crosses the line from constructive to just downright insulting.
I believe the comment in http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=30624 crosses the line from constructive to just downright insulting.
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Cheerleading: http://www.CheerPhoto.com
Blog: http://cambler.livejournal.com
Plus, he's posted some naked images of himself, covering himself with only a rubber duck, or shark, or a magazine. It makes your eyeballs burn to stumble on these in his threads.
On top of that he rides an old black bmw motorbike with a red seat, for cryin' out loud.
No creds, if ya know what I mean.
Hi Cambler,
You've got to have thick skin to post on the public internet. Everyone comments differently. It's not abusive IMO.
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Cheerleading: http://www.CheerPhoto.com
Blog: http://cambler.livejournal.com
There definitely is - and you'll find much more of that than not, as I think you've experienced, I hope?
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I tend to agree with Cambler...
Thick skin is required for the net, but sometimes things are just crossing the line.
THe lastest posts in that thread are definately over the line in my opinion. He's not insulting the pictures, he's taken it to the level of insulting the "artist"
This is a "Family Friendly" forum, and I don't think the words given by this poster are family friendly....
Just my opinion...
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so shoot him a line back channel to make your point.
No need to out right put him on the fire in front of everyone.
As mentioned before though, this stuff is allowed if it has a link and is not embeded. I think he did a great job of posting the warning.
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No personal attacks.
Amadeus, it's one thing to make a comment on a photo. It's another to start judging another based on your own assumptions and attacking him based on those assumptions.
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To quasi quote a line from the tv show, Scrubs : If they remove all the porn from the internet there will be only one site left, demanding the return of porn.:D
Good one...Classic...Best laugh I've had for age's... You should re-read some of your own ramblings...
Jerry Lodriguss - Sports Photographer
Reporters sans frontières
Now children, play nice...
consider the source and move on. no one else was abusive and that speaks volumes to the quality of dGrinners.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
There are always those that think if it is created in this age it is porn and if the exact same piece of art was created during Da Vinci's time it is art and then there are those that think the sculpture of David and Venus di Milo are porn also......
It is personal opinon, what is / is not art, and if one can critique the work constructively that is good...but as others have said....We , people in general, should never ATTACK anyone personally.
The ones that attacked you should spend a little time researching bibical art....as some of it truly verges on the modern def of porn.
Or at least they should spend a little time in europe or studying european artist and art (of the human body) and photography.
Americans are way tooooooooo uptight over the showing of nude bodies.
That is why our children grow up thinking nude and sex are dirty......
It is art and if you don't like it or its content or message.....DON'T LOoK......cause you just might go blind.
Don't make this out to be bigger than it was, it was one person.
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Wasn't trying to make larger....did not want to actually point finger at said single individual......It was a dip low matic thing......
Man I didn't know this was a comedy site too! This thread is hilarious!<img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/lol3.gif" border="0" alt="" > :lol4 You know, I can understand how people can take offense to this sort of work. HOWEVER...it was clearly stated in the thread that they were links to explicit photos.
That said, why oh why, if you may be offended by something like that would you go on ahead and view it anyway? That's just stoopid. (Note: This stoopid remark was a general observance, not really directed at any one individual. The poster cannot be held responsible for any that may take offense to it.)
In closing, I'd like to say this: :deadhorse :tough :stfu :dgrin <---these are excelent.<img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/thumb.gif" border="0" alt="" > Ok, I'm off. Thanks for the fun, I have to feed the sloth.
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I wanted to be a comedian, but my friends just laughed at me.
Cheerleading: http://www.CheerPhoto.com
Blog: http://cambler.livejournal.com