Fishing boats in Goa

Here some pics I took in Goa while on holiday. I couldn't resist these fishing boats. 

Some were adorned with both Catholic saint names and Hindu-style flower garlands. Those fishermen weren't taking any chances. I guess I did too much PS on this second one.

Some were adorned with both Catholic saint names and Hindu-style flower garlands. Those fishermen weren't taking any chances. I guess I did too much PS on this second one.

I dug out my shots of Goa from about 10 years ago and scanned some of them.
The fishermen take the net out with the boat in a wide arc...
Then they all pull the net back in to shore...
The women collect sort the catch...
While the men take a rest...
The head man then divides the fish amongst the fishermen
Not very good scans but a great photo op
Cheers Stan
We saw cocklers too, but my photos of them didn't turn out at all well. Loads of men standing up to their necks in water!