Bug ST00006: images.changeSettings doesn't work with empty strings
Bug Code: ST00006
Reported: 27-Mar-2006 14:37 UTC
Method: smugmug.images.changeSettings
Discovered against: XML-RPC 1.1.0
Attempting to set a blank keyword and caption fails. The return is an empty string which does not comply to the stated syntax. Furthermore it appears to ignore the request, and doesn't blank out the keywords or captions.
Test case has been added to SmugTest: ST00006
SmugTools implemented workaround: Revert back to calling over HTTP.
Bizzarely I couldn't get calls with single spaces to work either...
XML that has been suitably mangled for DGrin:
This is becoming a tad tedious...
Reported: 27-Mar-2006 14:37 UTC
Method: smugmug.images.changeSettings
Discovered against: XML-RPC 1.1.0
Attempting to set a blank keyword and caption fails. The return is an empty string which does not comply to the stated syntax. Furthermore it appears to ignore the request, and doesn't blank out the keywords or captions.
Test case has been added to SmugTest: ST00006
SmugTools implemented workaround: Revert back to calling over HTTP.
Bizzarely I couldn't get calls with single spaces to work either...
XML that has been suitably mangled for DGrin:
[SIZE=2]POST /hack/xmlrpc/ HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: text/xml User-Agent: XML-RPC.NET Host: api.smugmug.com Content-Length: 869 Expect: 100-continue HTTP/1.1 100 Continue < ?xml version="1.0"?> < methodCall> < methodName>smugmug.images.changeSettings< /methodName> < params> < param> < value> < string>...< /string> < /value> < /param> < param> < value>< i4>61753845< /i4>< /value> < /param> < param> < value> < struct> < member> < name>AlbumID< /name> < value>< i4>1310274< /i4>< /value> < /member> < member> < name>Caption< /name> < value> < string /> < /value> < /member> < member> < name>Keywords< /name> < value> < string /> < /value> < /member> < /struct> < /value> < /param> < /params> < /methodCall> HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 14:29:59 GMT Server: Apache X-Powered-By: smugmug/1.2.0 Cache-Control: private, max-age=1, must-revalidate Pragma: Set-Cookie: SMSESS=...; path=/; domain=.smugmug.com ETag: sm-...-sm Content-Length: 151 Content-Type: text/xml < ?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> < methodResponse> < params> < param> < value> < string/> < /value> < /param> < /params> < /methodResponse> [/SIZE]
This is becoming a tad tedious...