Well? ginger

OK, kicking and screaming, I tried to take photos for the challenge today. I entered this one and it probably has too much color in it, probably is all wrong for this challenge but I love it, so I entered it. I have a couple of others........always more color than some others, but well, that is what I got. I have been worrying about it for a week, finally went "below" ground and got these photos. I am glad I did it as I really do like the photos, but.................. comments and stuff are welcome........

Above, The Door, The Stairs and the sky
Below, The Flower (I don't know whether one can/should have frames, but I do have it without, too.)

Below: Architectural lines and curves

And one more, no title:

Above, The Door, The Stairs and the sky
Below, The Flower (I don't know whether one can/should have frames, but I do have it without, too.)

Below: Architectural lines and curves

And one more, no title:

After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
my stuff is here.....
Hi, Kevin, the door handle is not rusted, smile. For some reason that strikes me as funny! There may be signs of rust around, it is on the beach, it is an old fort that was made originally of cypress trees, which in turn repelled the stuff they were shooting at each other.
But now it is a major MAJOR tourist attraction. Parts of movies are shot here. And it is on Sullivan's Island. There are no rusty door handles.
Besides, I was using my 10-20 lens most of the time. OK, I could have changed lenses, but I was really after gradations of white as in the walls.
thanks for looking and commenting,
Oh, thanks so much! I read this before I went to sleep, but was too tired to answer it, but it made me feel all warm and good inside. Thank you for appreciating my "work".
Yes, my favorite is #1, though I like the one with the black door and the stairs w a bit of sky, plus the vertical one with light being the color, it is most challengy I think. But it is not my favorite photo, not the one I would hang. I would hang #1 with pride. So thank you for suggesting this idea for a contest. I have another photo to love.
You know it is not that I like color, I mean I do, but as you pointed out this stuff can be difficult to find, and you had laid claim on the toilet, so to speak. Charleston is all about color in the spring, and we are at just about the height of the color.
Originally, the idea of black and white, without a conversion, seemed just funny and undoable. Over the week I started making lists of possible places. At some pt Ft Moultrie came to mind as it is not tied to the seasons, is kept up well, lots of white walls, etc.......... So yesterday I gave it a try. I am glad that I did.
Hi, Adrian, thanks for stopping and commenting. I kind of like noise, but I don't usually enter it into a challenge. Being where I was, this being "no" PS, well, I assume that means no noise ninja, too. Smile. And I like all the photos except the last one which is OK, just doesn't do much for me.
I am so glad that you stopped and commented, though. If I get a chance I will redo that one and see if the noise drops down a bit. It would be the best entry, but I like the first one better: I guess I will just have to see how I feel in a few days and if others comment.
ginger (I was lying on the floor in the main entry on my back to take the photo and place it just right. I don't often or usually carry tripods and somehow they are in my husband's car, but I don't think my particular tripod would have helped in that situation. Just a thought, I will e-mail him to put my monopod back in my car before he goes out of town tomorrow.)
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
It may be the better entry but what do i know??
They are all pretty nice shots!
I knew, of course, that trees and plants had roots, stems, bark, branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself.
Edward Steichen
I am still a bit confused. And I want to go out and take bird photos today, but I do hate to leave my dogs, smile.
I may "rework" the first one, such as I can under the rules.
lighter/darker, whatever.......it was bothering me, but it did have a hook for me, so.........????? More WOW for me!
I left all of the noise since it is so obviously a target for noise, IMO, same with the blown window space, it just seemed appropriate.
exif: f22, ISO 3200, 10mm, 1/15, EV -1
thanks for looking, comments are still and always welcome,
This photo just draws me in more.
I called it "Light On Neutral"
any preferences?
looks like a lot less color but seems like quite a bit of PS adjustment - compared to original - too much ps work maybe.
There's a need to do some private interpretation of the rules on this challenge. My take was sharpening, maybe ever so basic (and minor) white balance adjustments, crop BUT no LAB, no big curves or exposure or saturation that could artificially remove color and make the shot more monochromatic (when it wasn't!).
It seemed that the goal was to look for B&W in "real life" and "in-camera" shots? I think cliffphoto's entry was a great example Link of monochrome B&W in the real world.
But hey, what do I know???
Not intended to cause offense - I always like your shots.
I knew, of course, that trees and plants had roots, stems, bark, branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself.
Edward Steichen
There are many other great/greater shots on the challenge, but this is my submission.
I have reread the rules which are quite vague. My cropping was no more than the 10% that Andy mentioned. I really did very little. My knowledge of curves is slim in the first place. All I did was bring in the L curve a tad to set the black point and the white point. I went with that outcome rather than trying to manipulate it in any way. On the A curve, I just steepend it a tad, and I left the B curve out of the works.
We have always, the way I understood things, allowed some saturation, raising it by 15, the whole RGB, is pretty minimal in my mind. USM is allowed, that is a given.
There is dust on my sensor, I can put that back in the shot, but I won't. I did not see that addressed, however a ruling could be made.
And that is less than my other interpretations of that shot got done to them.
This interpretation had less PS work, or RAW work than any other interpretation.
Thanks for the comments and the thoughts, though.
RAW turned to jpeg, and that is all,
just for the record,
I knew, of course, that trees and plants had roots, stems, bark, branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself.
Edward Steichen
now that would be a hoot, to me, but the same thing occurred to me.
No, the other one had more adjustments. As you said it is a matter of interpretation. I never used layers, filters or that stuff, but the other one did have more adjustments. This morning, I decided not to do that stuff and see what it looked like.
Then ironically, I guess, it looked like this had the most adjustments when it actually had the least.
ginger (I always keep the RAW file) And I may decide to use it, too, as the entry, but I am going to wait a bit to see what others say, and I still wonder about the dust spots, I mean whether I want to remove them, they are not obtrusive with all the noise that is going on.
I do like the shot - kind of a misty, moody look to it!
I knew, of course, that trees and plants had roots, stems, bark, branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself.
Edward Steichen
I like this one best by far. As a photograph and as an entry in the challenge.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
And you know how much I value your opinion.............I just think it is funny.
Now if WholeLight had not challenged me, I would not have brought it down and posted it, and we would all be the poorer, or I would: sometimes photos just seem to be impossible to work up, may be I should think of this more often.
Thanks all,
This doesn't happen to look black and white with any color, does it? I like it, but I try not to enter bird shots, plus.....................well, it looks like it has color, but it also looks like it doesn't have color.......?????
Uh, snapping these birds, I have a gazillion shots of this bird, but unusual poses and catches are only one of a kind, and such is this.