ways to improve page

hoping I could get some feedback on my website as far as readibility, look, and accesibility are concerned. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. thanks.
"See how willingly Nature poses herself upon photographers' plates. No earthly chemicals are so sensitive as those of the human soul. "
-John Muir
Nature Photographers Community
Founding Member
-John Muir
Nature Photographers Community
Founding Member
I would suggest centering the gallery selection area more by setting the gallery name underneath the thumbnail. There's a tutorial for this somewhere on dgrin.
You can got to my site to see what I mean.
awesome. that would really center things out. I looked all over in the FAQ for a tutorial but can't find how to do it
-John Muir
Nature Photographers Community
Founding Member
[FONT="]One navigation idea, enable your header graphic so it links back to your home page.[/FONT]
Nice site though, has a very elegant feel to it...
Twitter: @steelephotoaz
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
Your page is already beautiful but here's some thoughts:
Having the same banner as header and footer is a tad confusing and having it as a footer doesn't really add anything in my opinion. Otherwise the banner itself is gorgeous.
I think the quote could look better, maybe less bold, quotation characters also in italics, no period character needed. I suggest making it part of the header banner, under your signature, using the same font as in "Photography by:".
I love the mini picture links menu for the fact that that it follows the design and fonts of the banner. Not crazy about the button looking graphics to the right and left of it though. I like things that look like buttons to be buttons.
I actually like the fact that gallery names are to the right of the gallery thumbnails, it makes perfect sense to me. Having the names under the thumbnail could get confusing if the page should grow and require scrolling, i.e. is the text referring to the thubnail above it or below it.
The fact that the top two galleries have comments and the others don't make them look in some way separate or different to the ones below. Sort of like parent directories to the galleries below them respectively. If possible I'd hide comments on the frontpage, I think it makes it a little too busy.
If you're allowed to, and the images are on your site, I'd like to see the membership and awards banners in black and white. Your site's clean and slick look is sort of tainted by those colors.
I never really got the point of counters. As the site owner you get statistics in other ways so I guess it's some sort of bragging rights. It doesn't strike me as very professional looking.
I agree about the banner. I do have mine on top and bottom because of the differing resolutions used by users, but my banner's graphics are centered. With the "photgrahed by" throwing the graphics to the right, I do agree it looks off having them both on top and bottom.
I think that if you keep the quote, it should be part of the banner\logo. Otherwise remove it.
:nono I completely disagree with the gallery names being to the right. I don't see it leading to confusion in anyway.:nono
I do however think the gallery descriptions should go since the two that have it throw everything off.
I also disagree that the membership and award links taint the site. They look fine.