Need advice on Vegas

docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
edited October 3, 2006 in Location, Location, Location!
It looks possible that the Fiance and I will be heading to Vegas for our honeymoon in August. Her mom and dad are paying for the trip so I am sitting back waiting for the details. Naturally I am trying to line up some photo oportunities for the week. You have to have other things to do :D

I am not looking to shoot anything for sale. I really want to have fun and have something to remember.

For those of you that have been there, what do you advise? I know that the casinos/hotels are private property and for the casino floors cameras are absolutely verboten. I really don't want pictures in there anyway. I figure Fremont Street is ok, the outdoor shows like the Bilagio Fountain are public and I see plenty of trip photos from others. What places have you had luck with?

I know we will be floating into and out of casinos and hotels at some point. Will putting the lens cap on and maybe into a bag help us keep off the radar? I figure ditching the verticle grip will be a good idea. I figure walking around with a big black camera in hand or around the neck is not a good idea.

I want to spend at least one day exploring outside the city. Hoover Dam, North of the city around Nellis, and maybe the canyons around Lake Mead are possible ideas. August will be hot as hell in the desert, what else is out there?

Of course I may find out tonight that we are going to Yosemite. The Fiance really wants to go there soon. If she can persuade her dad we may be going there instead. For me I could care less, I can find something to photograph.
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  • BodwickBodwick Registered Users Posts: 396 Major grins
    edited March 30, 2006
    Any chance you can bring the date forward to the first week of June?


    THE United States military planned to detonate a 700 tonne explosive charge in a test called "Divine Strake" that would send a mushroom cloud over Las Vegas, a senior defence official said.
    "I don't want to sound glib here but it is the first time in Nevada that you'll see a mushroom cloud over Las Vegas since we stopped testing nuclear weapons," said James Tegnelia, head of the Defence Threat Reduction Agency.

    Mr Tegnelia said the test was part of a US effort to develop weapons capable of destroying deeply buried bunkers housing nuclear, chemical or biological weapons.
    "We have several very large penetrators we're developing," he said.
    "We also have - are you ready for this - a 700 tonne explosively-formed charge that we're going to be putting in a tunnel in Nevada.
    "And that represents to us the largest single explosive that we could imagine doing conventionally to solve that problem."

    The aim was to measure the effect of the blast on hard granite structures, he said.

    "If you want to model these weapons, you want to know from a modelling point of view what is the ideal best condition you could ever set up in a conventional weapon - what's the best you can do.
    "And this gets at the best point you could get on a curve. So it allows us to predict how effective these kinds of weapons would be," he said.
    He said the Russians had been notified of the test, which would be done in the first week of June at the Nevada test range. "We're also making sure that Las Vegas understands," Mr Tegnelia said

    I've been there twice spent about 4 days there, rode round the desert for 6 days having a great time. Shot 1000's of rounds at a gun club and got tattoo's...LA to Kern County was also cool. Photo's I had no time for other than a few snaps of bikes... SO I can't help with specific locations.
    You'll have a great time. Jump on a copter and enjoy the sights.

    I blew about $10 gambling...Take a look around, all that plastic and light doesn't come cheap. It's a wierd place but has a lot available...

    "The important thing is to just take the picture with the lens you have when the picture happens."
    Jerry Lodriguss - Sports Photographer

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  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited March 30, 2006
    August in Vegas? Just say no. It will be hot as you know where.

    Things to see in Vegas include the strip and several of the hotels just
    for their oppulance. Hoover Dam is pretty cool as is Lake Mead and the
    Red Rock area.

    If it were me, I'd pick Yosemite over Vegas. But that's just me :D

    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • patch29patch29 Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 2,928 Major grins
    edited March 30, 2006
    This site has some good info. I enjoyed both Red Rock Canyon and Valley of Fire. thumb.gif
  • docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited March 30, 2006
    Vegas it is.

    I am afraid the date is set. I know it will be hot, but I am used to it.

    The wedding date was set a few months ago and the Fiance just emailed me the flight and car rental confirmation so that is set.

    So any ideas for Vegas will be welcome.

    I was so hoping for Yosimite :cry
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • F45F45 Registered Users Posts: 225 Major grins
    edited April 1, 2006
    Hi Docwalker,

    Vegas heat can be much like a flame...dry and dangerous!
    Sip on bottled water frequently (every 20 min or so while outside) and you'll be surprised at how quickly you will get used to it. The trick is to take in small amounts and never let yourself actual get thirsty. If you do feel thirsty then you're falling behind and you will find the heat overwhelming.

    If you're looking for landscape photography then make sure you take your new bride to Zion Natn'l Park. Just 2 hours and 45 min North to the Springdale entrance. If you're not familiar with Zion; it's like an intimate (and very red) version of Yosemite. I think it's the most beautiful of all the national parks plus you can actually touch and hike through the canyons unlike the Grand Canyon and most of Yosemite.

    Red Rock Canyon is 25 minutes from strip. Find Charleston Blvd, head west and you'll drive right into it! There's an 11 mile, one-way, winding road that brings you all around the best views of the canyon and back out to the main road.

    The Valley of Fire is 30 minutes north on I15 to the turn off at the Moapa Valley reservation, then another 25 minutes or so from there. Appropriately rocks and cliffs in the middle of the washed out brown mountains. Plenty of views to photograph especially juxtaposing with the highly saturated blue skies found only in the south west.

    Hoover Dam, while not as picturesque is barely 45 minutes south/east on I95. You won't even have to make a turn to get there as the highway goes right over the dam.

    Casey's Cameras will look after all your equipment cravings. Ask for Ash if you go. He's a young guy who knows what he talking about but doesn't talk too much, if you know what I mean! (read no commision pressure).

    Those stops should keep your CF card full. Other than that, book your room on the highest floor they will give you and bring a tripod for those famous night shots!

    Have a great time and congratulations to you and Mrs. Docwalker!


    Chris Sedg. :cool

  • docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited April 1, 2006
    I understand on the water part. I spent a little time in the scrub desert of southern California while in the Navy. I usually burn through about a 1 1/2 gallons of water a day even here in Virginia.

    I appreciate the pointers on the out of Vegas sites. That was what I was looking for. Zion and Valley of Fire sounds like what I am looking for.

    I will look up Casey's I will probably not have any disposable income to play with but it would be nice to go to an ACed place and get out of the heat.

    I have thought about hitting the famous pawn shops to look for lenses. I know that people hard on their luck pawn their stuff. I wonder if any photographers pawned any Nikon lenses :-) Of course it will be my luck that they are all Canon :D.

    I have not decided if I am going to pack the tripod yet. I will probably stuff the monopod in one of my bags. If I go kilted and don't need a lot of packing space I might take it.
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • F45F45 Registered Users Posts: 225 Major grins
    edited April 1, 2006
    ...I'm sorry to hear that you use Nikon gear :D

    The pawn shops "they are a plenty!" but like the rest of Las Vegas, they weren't built on winners! Pawn shops buy low and sell high so your chances of finding good quality gear at good prices is not...well, good. They will barter so if you do find something you want; keep working on the salesman!

    Packing your tripod can be inconvenient to say the least so I would suggest dropping $20 at Walmart and picking up a cheap tripod when you arrive. Best practice is to use a cable release with a tripod anyway which means even cheapo tripods will allow you to compose longer exposures to really capture the night scenes especially from your hotel.

    I can't recommend Zion Park enough. Worth every minute of the drive and I think both of you would regret coming all this way and not seeing such a wonderful place.

    I hope you have a great time.


    Chris Sedg. :cool

  • BodwickBodwick Registered Users Posts: 396 Major grins
    edited April 2, 2006
    Kilted wedding.clap.gif ... Is that a Utility Kilt your wearing in your avatar? Are you a Scot or Irish?

    I'd take a tripod and leave the mono. A better bet for landscape stuff, take your time with each shot. Drink mucho water and then drink some more. Buy two camel-back water containers fill with ice and water for cold drinks all day warm it in your mouth before you swallow so you don't freeze your innerds. Carry an emergency bottle when your away from other people.

    I looked and asked about the pawn shops and what I saw agreed with comments I was told that it's tat i.e. junk. You might find a bargain but I'd not waste your time.

    A page from my pottering around south of Vegas near Primm. A few pic's.

    Enjoy your wedding and have a nice trip.
    "The important thing is to just take the picture with the lens you have when the picture happens."
    Jerry Lodriguss - Sports Photographer

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  • docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited April 2, 2006
    Yep, The wedding will be kilted. The guys from the dive shop are even talking about wearing hawaiian shirts and mens sarong wraps as my fiance was born in Hawaii. I know we are nuts.

    My family is very much Scot.

    I am not set on buying lenses at a pawn shop. We will be hitting a few of the shops anyway. The Fiance wants to go.

    After seeing the Highlineing post in the sports section I think Red Rocks is definitely on my list. Valley of Fire is also on the list.
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • patch29patch29 Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 2,928 Major grins
    edited April 3, 2006
    Stop by the Bellagio.

    Beginning May 3, Bellagio's Gallery of Fine Art will exhibit almost 50 photographs by Ansel Adams, one of the greatest photographers of the 20th century.

    It is scheduled to run for about a year.

  • docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited April 3, 2006
    Oh, sure... something to make me really regret not going to Yosemite. :D

    I will be sure to check that out. Thank you very much.
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  • JusticeiroJusticeiro Registered Users Posts: 1,177 Major grins
    edited April 3, 2006
    I go to Vegas every year for a giant concrete show. I don't really like it, but then again, I don't gamble. I can only support one addiction at a time, so my money goes to Canon!

    Vegas is cool for like two days, then you should DEFINITELY get out and see the surrunding area. Death Valley is only 3 hours away through some great scenery. I've only ever been in february, when it is deserted and relatively cool, however. It should be hot as blazes come august; but they ahve some great things to see and photograph. In particular the old Borax Mines and salt fields.

    Zion is also close, and very beautiful. I think some of the most famous Ansel Adams moon shots were made there.

    Monument Valley is an overnight trip, but probably worth it. Sunrise at monument valley, there ain't nothin' else like it in the world.

    Grand Canyon is on the way to MV, but will likely be overrun with tourists.

    All in all, Vegas is an excellent place to use as a base to see the desert.

    Cave ab homine unius libri
  • nosmonosmo Registered Users Posts: 60 Big grins
    edited April 3, 2006
    docwalker wrote:

    For those of you that have been there, what do you advise? I know that the casinos/hotels are private property and for the casino floors cameras are absolutely verboten. I really don't want pictures in there anyway. I figure Fremont Street is ok, the outdoor shows like the Bilagio Fountain are public and I see plenty of trip photos from others. What places have you had luck with?

    I know we will be floating into and out of casinos and hotels at some point. Will putting the lens cap on and maybe into a bag help us keep off the radar? I figure ditching the verticle grip will be a good idea. I figure walking around with a big black camera in hand or around the neck is not a good idea.

    I was in LV over the Thanksgiving holiday and brought my camera (and only 2 lenses...rolleyes1.gif) along for the ride.
    I didn't take any shots on the casino floors -but- I was followed around by a staff member with an earpiece and
    mic attached to his sleeve after taking a couple of pictures at The Wynn. I was using a Canon 20D
    with a 24-70 lens and it made everyone elses shirtpocket point-n-shoot look small. The shadow hung with me until we left and when we were outside leaving I looked back as he was talking to his suit sleeve saying
    "...yea, outside and leaving." So I took his picture as well.
    Other casino's were evidently not as paranoid as I didn't encounter anything like that in them.
  • juliejulesjuliejules Registered Users Posts: 163 Major grins
    edited April 3, 2006
    Justiceiro wrote:
    I go to Vegas every year for a giant concrete show.
    Me too! Actually my BF goes to the show. I hang out at the hotel, work from there, and then go out to great restaurants at night, or go to a show. Vegas in small doses can be fun, but it gets old quickly. Last year we drove out to the Hoover Dam.

    Here's a picture I took this year from the roof the Marriott Grand Chateaux. Not a great shot, but you can appreciate the view!

    Canon 70D, Canon EF 24-105mm F4L IS, Canon EF 16-35mm F2.8L, Canon EF 70-200mm F2.8L IS USM, Canon Ext 1.4x II, SpeedLite 430EX
  • docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited April 3, 2006
    Cool view. I have been looking at the "free things to do in Vegas lists" Some are pretty cool.
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • patch29patch29 Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 2,928 Major grins
    edited April 4, 2006
    I saw a post somewhere that google earth just updated some of the Las Vegas imagery. It can be helpful to see how far apart places are, the walking distances can add up quickly.
  • docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited April 4, 2006
    Cool. I love google earth. We are looking at the monorail pass to help get around some. I need to take a look at the maps to figure out where we are going.
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • JamokeJamoke Registered Users Posts: 257 Major grins
    edited April 4, 2006
    Top of the World
    Top of the World Cafe - Located in the Stratosphere - on the strip.

    It's a great resteraunt ($30-$40 a plate) and provides an elevated view of the city. Great for Wide angles, Telephotos, and romantic dinners. It's pretty formal, and always booked. - Make a reservation, and be sure to visit. They can even help you plan to be there during dinner. If your not looking for dinner - the observation deck is a few levels higher at 1,100 feet above the strip. and if there isn't too much smog, can provide some great aerial pictures. (Has a couple rollercoasters/rides as well...)

    Casey's Camera is great - Ash is a cool guy too (Some people there, do talk too much). They always have some awesome gear in stock, old and new. - Avoid the pawn shops... But if you have a gear craving - head over to Casey's.

    My Two Cents.
    Mine: Canon 20D, 50 f1.8 II, 28-105 II, 70-200 f2.8L, T 70-300 Macro, T 2X expander, 12-24 Sigma
    Hers: Sony SR10, (Soon Canon 5D MKII), 85 f1.8, 28-135 USM, Stroboframe, Manfrotto NeoTec
    Ours: Pair of 580 EX, Lensbaby, Studio Alien Bees, Son & TWO Daughters
  • amadeusamadeus Registered Users Posts: 2,125 Major grins
    edited April 5, 2006
  • patch29patch29 Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 2,928 Major grins
    edited April 6, 2006
  • docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited April 6, 2006
    Patch, Cool self portrait.

    Amadeus, should I be scared? You did not smile. headscratch.gif
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • mr peasmr peas Registered Users Posts: 1,369 Major grins
    edited April 6, 2006
    man you guys make it sound like its HELL during august haha. its not that bad. as long as you wear some sunblock, sunglasses and carry a water bottle you should be fine walking around the strip.

    i wouldnt go sight seeing mid-afternoon however, because it hot outside, i would take that time to chill inside, play a little bit games and take the gf/fiance shopping. i would go sight seeing in the morning and at night. theres a lot of free shows such as the bellagio's water fountain demonstration in front of the hotel itself, the mirage's exploding volcano, TI's (previously Treasure Island) has this exotic show with half-naked women on a pirate ships which also takes place in front of their hotel (more like the corner).

    i'd also take advantage of the nightclubs to go dancing with your partner, all women love to dance, you have to take her. mwink.gif and try to call ahead and get into the guestlists so you wont have to wait outside in line for too long.

    i'm also a big pusher for vegas guests to visit Red Rock Canyon. here's some photos i took over there during spring break: and here is their official website:

    valley of fire i hear is also awesome to visit, i havent been there myself (its about an hour drive from lv). i'm going the end of the month though, ill send you photos if you like!

    but yeah, this place can be a lot fun. if you can save some money, it would be a great treat for your in-laws/parents/gf-fiance to see at least one cirque du soleil show heres some information:

    I've been told 'KA' at the MGM should be the show you see first (since its one of the latest ones), but honestly, I think all the shows are great! They do average about $150 per person for good seats, but it really is worth every dollar. thats the ONLY shows here i will go pay to see.

    have you already checked out which hotel you wanted to stay at? if you like a casino that doesnt smell like smoke the second you reach the lobby and enjoy looking at ferraris and other exotic cars straight from the lobby, the Wynn is the one i'd go with. but if youre planning of doing a lot of walking id pick a casino/hotel smackdab in the middle of the strip so you can walk one way, rest at your room, then walk the other way.

    F45 is right about Casey's Camera (located east of Tropicana Ave, a few lights from Maryland Pkwy, on the lefthand side). They offer a lot of equipment for decent prices. For electronics such as CF cards and digital readers, i would go to Frys Electronics (located south of the strip right next to the 215 freeway). They always have sales on stuff like that and the store is so large you can spend hours there just looking around. Id bring a laptop though so you can store all your photos without worrying about running out of card space!

    i dont know what else to say to help you enjoy your stay. i guess just save some money hah, the food and shows here are superb, however it costs dollar bills. good luck we'll see you here!! thumb.gif
  • docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited April 6, 2006
    Mr. Peas,

    I appreciate the info. My fiance is an elementary science teacher so the link to the interpretive center was a good one. We are always on the look out for information that we can take back to her class.

    I really like the photos of red rock. I would be interested in seeing the Valley of Fire pics.

    Hotel is taken care of. Her parents have time share one block off the strip. They have already booked the room for us.

    I am a big fan of the cirque's I have watched just about every one of the TV specials. So, I am definitely looking into catching one of the shows.
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • BodwickBodwick Registered Users Posts: 396 Major grins
    edited April 18, 2006
    docwalker wrote:

    Hotel is taken care of. Her parents have time share one block off the strip. They have already booked the room for us.

    Just to add my usual doom and gloom outlook on life outside the comfy computer rooms of the World.

    As your staying off the stip even by one block you need to be a bit carefull if your out walking about as the article below confirms.

    There are some pretty wierd people walking around. Downtown is my choice of destination but it's even wierder down there if you wander a few steets off the tourist area. Loads of cops and security but I'd be a bit wary as they thin out fast outside the strip.

    Graphic, violent video linked from this page. Watch your back...
    "The important thing is to just take the picture with the lens you have when the picture happens."
    Jerry Lodriguss - Sports Photographer

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  • mr peasmr peas Registered Users Posts: 1,369 Major grins
    edited April 18, 2006
    I saw that in the news this morning. I guarantee they'll find those stupid teenagers, when they have video like available for viewing and the news covers it, someone will speak up. Give it another week, they'll be in custody soon.

    The strip is as safe and dangerous as any other street. The only thing I would say to watch out for is traffic. Traffic is hectic down there and cabs are always in a hurry. Downtown however, is a whole different story eek7.gif. But, stay off the non-tourist streets like Bodwick says. Ive been a local here for only a few years and even I know not to wander off in the dark. Theres nothing to see there anyway ;p
  • docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited April 18, 2006
    Yep, I took note of that this afternoon when it hit the Drudge Report and Fark. Very scary. We are staying one street off the strip from what I have been told. But, according to what I have heard this took place behind the MGM so even that is too close for comfort.

    We will be flying I will not be taking along my usual personal protection. So, I will be looking for someplace to pick up some pepper spray at a minimum upon arrival.

    I hope they catch those punks.
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited April 18, 2006
    I also forgot. I should tell you sometime about my hike from the Sears Tower to Cabrini Green in Chicago, ALONE. That was an interesting experience.
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • mr peasmr peas Registered Users Posts: 1,369 Major grins
    edited April 28, 2006
    Btw, they caught 4 of the dozen teenagers who were in the video.

    Serves them right

    Any btw, the strip is not that bad. Its pretty darn safe. Theres your occasional weirdos and stupid-aces eveywhere, just be smart and dont walk around at 2am in the morning in dark alley ways. The strip at night is very well lit, theres thousands of people walking around alongside of you. The only thing I would worry about are the crazy cabbies. Now they're ruthless.
  • BodwickBodwick Registered Users Posts: 396 Major grins
    edited April 28, 2006
    mr peas wrote:
    Btw, they caught 4 of the dozen teenagers who were in the video.

    Serves them right

    Any btw, the strip is not that bad. Its pretty darn safe. Theres your occasional weirdos and stupid-aces eveywhere, just be smart and dont walk around at 2am in the morning in dark alley ways. The strip at night is very well lit, theres thousands of people walking around alongside of you. The only thing I would worry about are the crazy cabbies. Now they're ruthless.

    Thats good to hear. We have the same problems in London and other cities and indeed towns nowdays. ie gangs of yobs attacking people on mass. Very brave of them!

    The strip is so busy, well lit and well policed that you'd have to be very unlucky to have any trouble there. Your right about crossing the road being a risky gamble though. I learnt not to J-walk on any USA roads as 1) it's bloody dangerous and 2) it's a quick way to bring yourself to the attention of the police.
    Advice passed to me as I attempted to J-walk and a friend explained the rules.

    I've walked and stayed off-strip without problem day and night. Keep your head up and your wits about you and you'll be fine. As a Scot I thought the USA was totally great. You've got so much space, so many things to see and do that you can't fail to enjoy yourself no matter where you go. Oh, and the food was great and so where the people. (I feel like and advert for a holiday in the USA).

    I've spent 6 days in the desert near Primm motorcycling around, 4 or 5 days in Vegas and another week in KernCounty/LA.
    We just don't compete in the UK for so much space and freedom to use it how you want. Anyone who's not been over should make the effort to get there. thumb.gif

    Enjoy you trip..

    "The important thing is to just take the picture with the lens you have when the picture happens."
    Jerry Lodriguss - Sports Photographer

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  • docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited April 28, 2006
    I am so glad they finally started catching some of the jerks. I bet a few will start to roll soon and the rest will be caught.

    I would have rather gone to Scotland :-)

    I am still researching where I want to go for the week. I have started a list and marked them using Google Earth. The fiance does not gamble except for the nickel slots so she is happy to go just about anywhere. We are also looking at Geocaches in the area.

    Storage of photos was going to be a real problem for the trip. So I have ordered a Hyperdrive 100. It is backordered. Hopefully it will be here before August.

    We have about 108 days to go.
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