black and white cookie

I know, I know, too much color, etc etc. Not a real challenge contender, just some fun inspiration perhaps. And plus, it was delicious, so no chance for a reshoot.

I love black and whites. I'd move to NYC just so I could eat them all time. It's the one thing I always ask for (and get) from friends in the city, or from friends locally who go down there for a visit. My best friend down there always has them waiting for me when I arrive. Mmmm mm.
Since 2004...
No comments? I guess that's because you said it. It doesn't look like a black and white photo enough. I still like your paper clip shot.:D
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
paper clip. Yeah, it just doesn't do it for me. Perhaps I'll try and make it better. (thanks