Adelaide Clipsal 500 2006
Had the pleasure to spend the last week in Adeaide South Aust. and 4 days at the above V8 Supercar event. Had an absolute wonderful time and here are just a couple of the shots from the four days.

Had one of the locals take this one for me

A friend of mine who was also over for the event rang and asked if I would like to take a chopper ride oround the track, well I couldnt get there fast enough. here is one of the shots.

The rest can be seen here

Had one of the locals take this one for me

A friend of mine who was also over for the event rang and asked if I would like to take a chopper ride oround the track, well I couldnt get there fast enough. here is one of the shots.

The rest can be seen here
HI there Jeffro,
The third one is A favourite, so far the second is at the top of the list. I took 6000 images in four days during the event and am still weeding out the oof shots.
The third one is me, got one of the local pro's walking by to take it for me
I am hoping I got more like the first one, I agree with colour (pitty it isn't one of the Red Bullets).
David Clifford
Thanks Gus, yes it would have to one of the most difficult circuits to get a good vantage point (unless you have the privalige to wear the orange vest). every point had the concrete barrier and high wire fence, combined with the bright sun shine was hard to get the fence to dissappear.
Was a good learning exercise though, I will know what to do next time.
David Clifford
Glad you enjoyed them Gary. I agree the bodywork isnt too shabby (I do try and look after myself
David Clifford
Love the cars. As mentioned, they pop and those flames sure don't hurt the viewability either
Are you going to the F1?
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso
Hi there Steve,
Glad you enjoyed the photos, was my first motor sport event. I couldnt agree more they were pretty easy on the eye thats for sure.
David Clifford
Cheers Ian,
It was a great four days.
David Clifford
Hi Rahmonster,
Thanks for the comment, there was a huge amount of action just a pity it was never where i was standing
I would love to be going to the F1 but alas I will have to pass on it this year.
David Clifford
Me too:cry
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso