Site name protection?

Im thinking of changing my websites title name. Havent thought of anything yet, but when I do, how can I find out if that name is already taken? Is there a way to protect a name once I decide on something?? I will probably call it something different than my actual web address, which is just my full name. Is that a good or bad idea?
Like Andy, for instance. Do you own the rights to your sites name (not the web address)? Thanks.
Like Andy, for instance. Do you own the rights to your sites name (not the web address)? Thanks.
The way you find out is to try: and see if it comes up
you only "own" it if you are able to get it. And keep it. And pay your annual fee.
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Just wanna make sure I dont run into any legal issues.
I know this really isnt a smugmug issue, just thought I would ask what people here do. Thanks.
I know this really isnt a smugmug issue, just thought I would ask what people here do. Thanks.[/QUOTE]
Along the same line, I purchased '' for three years @ (june 2005) then doing a google search for that name
last week, theres a 'my' link to some band called 'Hooligan Underground' that went up sept 2005(on my space)....what if anything can i do about this?
Any feedback? Not sure the ramifications if any of this situation, has anybody else run into this?
BTW, I loath myspace
I'm not sure these will help, but here are a few URLs I found on protecting your business name. I think that is what you are trying to get at, right?
From **clicky**
From **clicky**
From **clicky**
I think if you want total protection and exclusive rights to a name (like Burger King has, for example), you'll need to look into Trademarks.
Scan Cafe: let the pros do it
When I submit image to the copyright office I do it under Robert as well.
I don't think there is anything wrong with using a common nickname in a domain because its easy for everyone to translate.
The other thing is its really cheap to register a domain. Just go register the new one and point it to your existing host.
Phoenix, AZ
Canon Bodies
Canon and Zeiss Lenses
Kerry / Scott / Malte,
Thanks for the info/feedback/links... has some good info and a link to uspto (united states patent & trademark office) i did a free online search (my name is avail) and it looks like registering a trademark is $275-375 depending....
I guess now I need to decide how serious I am about this name.....
Again thanks for your reply's, they got me pointed to some good info,
PS: Kerry, Congrats on your wedding!!
I deal with that every day.
Unless you're a major player, however, I question the need to go as far as to attempt to acquire a trademark. With an attorney helping it can cost many thousands of dollars and it's not as simple as just registering - there are a number of forms you need to have done just so, and you must demonstrate a use in commerce as well as meet a few other non-obvious conditions. And even at that, it can take years to be published for opposition, potentially challenged and finally, if you're lucky, granted.
Get a name you like, do a little research to ensure that you're not stepping on a registered trademark (hint: if it's your personal name, you're likely to have an easier time of it) and have fun.
His name was "Mike Rowe" not "Mike Rowesoft."
The truth of the matter, though, was that he was an attention-craving egoist, and wanted the publicity. Microsoft had initially said "ha ha, funny, would you mind not doing that?" and he got quite in their face and went screaming to the media. So Microsoft offered him a bribe that I think they shouldn't have even bothered with.
But hey, what do I know, I've just worked in the industry for 20 years.