Simply Amazing
In a bad way though. We go to the Smoky Mountain National Park every year. We like to drive around and look at the craft shops too. While driving around the other day, I saw this. I couldn't believe how insane it looked! It's almost like cabin strip mining or If the thought process is to build pretty cabins in a pretty setting for people to rent out or buy, I think they failed. This looks really stupid and what they did to that hillside is a shame. I don't mind sensible logging and so on, but sometime commercial developments do some really stupid things. This would appear to be one of them. Just outside of Gatlinburg, TN...

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I wonder if eminant domain was used in this case. Probably some person that lives in CA built this so they don't have to look at it.
Hey... that looks like Orange County, California!!! Each would be about $1mill
I shell name this the Moguls Hill...
no eminent domain here or I believe I would have seen something in the news-
just pure greed is all I know-
I'm no raging environmentalist but this is something to think about-will try to research this-asinine-
kygarden-thanks for posting-
Sounds like some of you might be local to that area. If you want to go see it, I think it's on Bird Creek Rd. I just looked on the map...that was the road. We were taking the back way to get back to Gatlinburg from Pigeon Forge.
I found them on last night. About $200K
I knew, of course, that trees and plants had roots, stems, bark, branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself.
Edward Steichen
...what do the tick tacky buildings overlook...a million dollar view??
...maybe they are ski cabins...might look betta with 20feet of snow...
Now if someone would please, well, delete the houses, not the photograph, smile.