Campbell CA Reflecting Pools with glass floats

Anyone in the Silicon Valley area, this is probably worth a side trip to see. At first Ed (hubby) thought these were beach balls floating in these reflecting ponds, but a bit of searching on the web determined they are hand blown floats. They are anchored over spotlights which are lit at night. You can be sure I'm going there at night because I had a horrid time trying to get the images I saw. There were all sorts of things reflected that I didn't want, like trees and lightpoles! But they are amazingly pretty and were unexpected.

The gallery is here:

The gallery is here:
Where is this at (Planning a vacation in June)
Hers: Sony SR10, (Soon Canon 5D MKII), 85 f1.8, 28-135 USM, Stroboframe, Manfrotto NeoTec
Ours: Pair of 580 EX, Lensbaby, Studio Alien Bees, Son & TWO Daughters
on the web, trying to find out more information, like the name of the artist. But so far I wasn't successful. Probably the Community Center might have some more information. Maybe next time I'm in the area I'll try to stop by.
Campbell is in "Silicon Valley" and is probably famous for it's farmer's market and it's pink water tower.
The address of the community center/Heritage Theatre is One West Campbell Avenue and the cross street is Winchester Blvd. Campbell, California.
There is not one, but TWO ponds with the glass balls! They flank the walkway to the theatre steps.
I think a low light shot is in order.