Bald Eagle Fishing
Hi all,
These are the first interesting bird shots I have had in a while, so thought that I would throw them up for public display. None were what I was hoping for - as motion blur, backlighting, and the lack of a spot meter all created more challenges than I was able to overcome from a floating drift boat on the river. More images can be found at in the Fishing section in the '060326 Sol Duc' gallery.

Images were all shot with a 20d iso 400 70-200 2.8 IS w/ 1.4 extender and have been extensively cropped, curved, sharpened, noise reduced etc. Larges are available in the gallery.
Thanks for looking!
And a gratuitous fish image shot underwater with a Pentax Optio W10
These are the first interesting bird shots I have had in a while, so thought that I would throw them up for public display. None were what I was hoping for - as motion blur, backlighting, and the lack of a spot meter all created more challenges than I was able to overcome from a floating drift boat on the river. More images can be found at in the Fishing section in the '060326 Sol Duc' gallery.

Images were all shot with a 20d iso 400 70-200 2.8 IS w/ 1.4 extender and have been extensively cropped, curved, sharpened, noise reduced etc. Larges are available in the gallery.
Thanks for looking!
And a gratuitous fish image shot underwater with a Pentax Optio W10
Outdoor and Sports Media
Outdoor and Sports Media
The head feathers look a bit "hot", but I think you did a very good job exposing these
Love the trout. Looks pansize :-)
I like the image from the Pentax also - maybe just a little saturation for my eye.
How do you like the Pentax Optio W10??
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Hi all,
Thank you for taking the time to look and comment. Addressing the 'hot' heads and exposure - I was not able to get much detail out of the white head feathers, so just kind of ignored them and concentrated on creating exposure curves in ACR to bring out details in the tail and body feathers - in ignoring the head it ended up pretty hot - I guess there is no reason that I can't burn or blend it down a notch, even if there is not much detail, so that it is not so much of a light bulb. For exposures in general, I ended up with some really interestingly shaped exposure curves in ACR to compensate for missing it in the field and then some agressive noise reduction to compensate for pushing shadows in to mid-tones.
As for the Pentax Optio W10 - I had the old 3 megapixel weather resistant Optio and have been happy with it as a snapshot camera (given the generation of digital that it was and that my expectations were not that it was a prosumer camera.) I was very suprised at its macro capabilities (1 cm minimum focus distance) and got some fun macro shots with it. Moving to an underwater capable, 6 megapixel version that would do 30 FPS 640x320 video just got too tempting. I have not really used it enough to comment much on it, except that it will shoot pictures underwater, it fits nicely in my pocket, and start up and focus speed are greatly improved over its older sibling. The image posted was pumped up in poast-processing to try and bring out the pink on the steelhead's cheek, so the camera produced jpg's are not quite as saturated as in that image, but still tend towards an amped up color look out of the camera. There are a few W10 landscapes buried amongst the 20d shots in the gallery, as well as a few more underwater shots and a heavily compressed underwater fish video from the weekend
and some underwater macro shots with it here
Thanks again,
Outdoor and Sports Media