Inspired by Yuri...
This girl was working at a ball toss booth at a small travelling carnival. I used a fill in (onboard) flash. Not anywhere as good as Yuri, but at least I tried~ :rolleyes[/COLOR]
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
Probably don't like the distracting background and the hairs in front of her mouth -- and she just doesn't find you sexy...
The head tilt is a little odd too... so no one wanted to hurt your feelings -- but since I know you, he he...
Hey I have an orphan thread too!
But my fire truck thread is very popular and everyone's been extremely supportive in posting photos for CJ... so I'm not complaining.
I guess you gotta roll with the punches! You take some really great photos, but you've been a little lax about posting them (hint, hint).
Why so impatient? Sometimes it takes more than a couple of hours for people to start commenting, and don't forget that the view count includes guests, who can't post...
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Thanks for the critique. I'm trying to be more actively involved here on dgrin (mostly posting comments more than posting photos)...just kinda hard between having our grandson bringing home every flu bug from school and me catching them and all the other crazy stuff going on in our lives, lol! I hardly have time to get out and take pics anymore, let alone spend much time online...sigh. Oh Well, I guess I'll go slink back into my cave now.
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
Hey David... I didn't realize that the view count would include guests who can't comment. Good to know. I usually get maybe one comment every 50-70 views if I'm lucky.
But I suspect we ladies feel somewhat out of it when we see Andy's son's car thread rack up the views and comments. This forum, IMHO, leans towards "men stuff." And, it's definitely for "the birds.":):
But I'm just as guilty reading a lot of posts but not leaving a comment...
But no hard feelings...really. I know I wouldn't win any popularity contests here or anywhere. I'm mostly a lurker that pops my head in now and then. But I would like to know what you (and others) thought of my photo...since I don't post photos that often I didn't feel like I was being overly demanding, lol! Oh well...that's life! ~Nee
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
The girl is lovely, and I like the shot very much, except for:
1) the distracting BG
2) the hair in the face (easily fixed, BTW)
3) the collar sticking up.
You could probably fix the BG pretty easily, too. The collar is the one that I wouldn't know what to do with.
Mostly: kudos for having the guts to shoot a stranger!!!
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Yup, I felt pretty nervous to even ask the girl if I could take her photo and in my nervousness I missed seeing the things that needed to be dealt with, such as the distracting background and hairs across her face. I don't usually take that many "people" pics, esp. not ones of strangers, so it was a real leap of faith for me. I know there's plenty wrong with it, but I thought she had a sweet expression and her eyes are what drew me in, despite the other issues with the shot.
Anyhow, the truth is that I AM very hard on myself and always feel a little (ok, a LOT, lol!) insecure about posting pics here, but it's good to hear where improvements can be made, so I press on~
Thanks again for your comments~
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
Watch your skin tones. You've got too much magenta in relation to yellow. It should never be more under "normal" conditions.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
You could always make a gradient selection so you could take more magenta out from the top but leave the bottom more intact.
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
looks like davidto has it covered c&c-wise-
nick's right-good job on asking for the pic-
keep posting-
Keep at it.
keep at it.
Looks like I have a lot to learn about using a fill-in flash in light shade on a bright sunny day. Practice, practice, practice...that advice I will definitely use, lol! Thanks for all your comments. I have taken them to heart and appreciate them all. Don't know if I'll ever get the nerve to ask another pretty girl to pose for me (felt pretty strange to do it, but I explained I belong to an online photography "club" and wanted to try something new, so she was very nice to oblige). Nerves got the better of me, but if there is a next time, I'll definitely work on the issues you all have raised.
Thanks Again!
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
The girl is pretty and you got some good practice. Did you take more photos of her?
Nice photo! The hair bugs me the most and I think a tight crop on the left would help.
Don't give up!!!
Keep up the GOOD work,
Aperture Focus Photography
Hmmmmm...19 replies and over 300 looks-
I should be so unpopular-
ps. Here's a series of pics of my grandson from last year that I entered in the emotions challenge (didn't make the finals, but it's still one of my faves!)~
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
I love my grandson (and another on the way) but I never want to have to raise him--I would do it, though, if it was necessary-
thank goodness he does have you in his life--I wish you the best-
ps good lookin' kid, btw-
It will be hard on our family whichever way it goes...we'll miss him terribly if he goes back to his mom or dad (they're not together any more) and if he gets put with us permanently, that will be a huge responsiblity for us to take on for the next 13+ we'll always have to deal with his parents in his (and our!) life and not having the same freedom to take off on trips with him because of court appointed weekly visits with his parents we'll have to be at home for (which has been the story of our lives already these past several months).
But it's all worth it knowing we can provide the stable and loving environment he needs to help him grow up physically and emotionally healthy (he's already had plenty of hard knocks in his young life!).
But despite all the "baggage" that comes with caring for our grandson, we feel very blessed each and every day that he is with us~
Thanks again,
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
And then sometimes, several days later, some one who missed it initially, responds and ressurects the thread. So be easy on yourself.
I think your shot is beautiful, and I disagree with some of the previous posters.
The young girl is lovely, and her teeth are perfect.
The strand of hair, to me, repesents the spontanaity of the shot. I would not try to remove it myself.
I would crop the right border to eliminate the brighter area at the upper right to keep the viewer's eye from wandering to the empty corner. That means cropping some of her hair on the right, but that is OK I think.
And I would desaturate the bright colors of the background to her left - I like the colors and they are part of her environment, but they need to be secondary to her. I would also dial back the brightness to her left at the same time.
Very nice 'found' portrait
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Canon 20D Kit w/ 18-55mm
Canon 75-300mm