While it doesn't have a lot of color, I also think it may have too much color to fool the eye to think it's a black and white photo. A tiny bit of color is supposed to be the only clue that it's actually a color shot. I see blue in the sky, red brown in the brick building, gold reflecting off the arch and the bright spots of color in the shadows. Neat shot...not sure it fits the current challenge~
i thin it's a rad pic but i also think there's a bit too much color like the other commenters pointed out.
this is a great shot, though. i think if you cropped out the bottom darkness, it would be a pretty wicked pic. maybe up until the bridge in the center of the picture.
My first reaction is yes, too much color. But I'm only one person, so what do I know
It's still interesting though.:D
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
this is a great shot, though. i think if you cropped out the bottom darkness, it would be a pretty wicked pic. maybe up until the bridge in the center of the picture.
and yeah, while there's not a lot of color in the shot, there are a lot of colorS. My mind has trouble seeing it as a b/w image.
Brings back memories Dugmar, I rode up across it! Wow!
You might try adding alot of contrast to it. Maybe it will get a little more black in it? Nice shot.