30D RAW support?

Anyone have any rumors on when any RAW processor will support the 30D? Aperture, ACR, CaptureOne ... at this point I don't care which since all of them are a lot better than the crappy Canon software.
I know there's an ACR hack; if I get desperate enough I'll try that. But it really shouldn't take the vendors that long to update their software, it's practically the same as the 20D.
Maybe I'll get lucky and the Aperture update next month will have it (HA!).
I know there's an ACR hack; if I get desperate enough I'll try that. But it really shouldn't take the vendors that long to update their software, it's practically the same as the 20D.
Maybe I'll get lucky and the Aperture update next month will have it (HA!).
jim frost
To answer my own question, CaptureOne 3.7.4rc1 has what they call "preliminary" 30D support. I haven't exactly stressed it but it seems to work fine. Even with all its faults CaptureOne still beats the heck out of the Canon software.
I tried hacking the 20D entry in the Raw.plist in Apple's ImageIO framework, which I'm told sometimes works, but no luck there.
Hack works, but I'm really waiting for ACR update...
So right now the only expensive software package I have that doesn't support the 30D is Photoshop, and there's a known-good hack for that if I really need it.