*Challenge 23-lynnesite's time

the inevitable horse shots:
time for bed?

you have no idea how hard it is to get a horse to yawn

no color correction
time for bed?

you have no idea how hard it is to get a horse to yawn

no color correction

I really like the first shot. There seems (well to me anyway) to be a sense of peace about what you have captured.
White horses are really beautiful.
Galleries here Upcoming Ranch/Horse Workshop
I love these shots. Your mare is so funny. Can you make her yawn like that, or did you just wait for her to do it naturally? I notice her eye is closed in the first one. She does look sleepy.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
They tend to do them in series of 3. She did two series of 3! She will do many things for me on request, such as rolling or itching her leg, but so far yawning isn't one of them--though I think she did the second series because I praised the first. She doesn't yawn very often.
Some shots are really elusive--like trying to catch the foal standing on the bottom pipe of her 4 rail corral, with her head above, looking out over the top. She could hurt herself doing it, but cocky wench, she's even done it standing next to me. Comes by it honestly, her daddy does it too even now as a 7 yr old stallion. I want to build her a pedastal, like the elephants have in the circus. Am convinced she'd find a way to put all 4 feet up there.
Galleries here Upcoming Ranch/Horse Workshop