i am entering in a contest and one of the catagories is a picture of something in my state, i would like to enter a picture of this bridge i shot but i cannot deside which one i like the best opinions please

I'm sorry, but I'm having trouble with all the trees-
any way that you can reshoot?-
can you get right up next to the bridge and shoot some kind of wide angle on it or some kind of interesting perspective and lose the trees?-
maybe it's just me-
thanks much for sharing-
sorry i cannot get rid of the trees, the railroad and bridge have been abandond for 20 years now and the trees have taken over there isnt a single angle without trees or overgrown shrubs anywhere
as saurora said, you need to tweak, or 'pop'--see davidto's pop tutorial under how to here on dg-
maybe tone-
this is probably a little too dark but maybe give you an idea-
good luck with the contest-