Magnolia Birds

Some of these are at, or after, sundown, some are before, in no order.......

Above, the bird is in the center, I did not want to lose either the moss or the tree, so I left it.

Above, one blue egg in nest, late.......

After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
Love that 1st shot
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You know that first shot had kind of a second or third tier status. I expected other shots to be much better. Worked up all of them, and that is the one you are seeing, since the shots I thought would be wonderful, they weren't, and this one I agree is good. I like it, too, thanks!
Thanks for stopping and commenting.
Just got back from the vet, lots of medicine for my sick dog: a urinary tract infection, plus.
thanks again,
There is lots of color in this area right now, it is just about the most beautiful month of the year in a Charleston way.
Thanks for stopping and commenting, Jeff!
The blue egg - well, because how often do you see an egg. This is a very nice shot.
I love the light on the ducks. It's easy to tell this was just before sunset - very warm soft light! Very nice! Oh, and the capture is nice too!
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I really like both #1 and #2. I do think #2 might be better with a bit less on the bottom, more of a panoramic, but I like it none the less.
Is this the 400mm?
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
I hope to see #1 on a postcard some day NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Thomas Fuller.
SmugMug account.
Ziggy, I don't know about the second one, I will look at it. To tell the truth, I had a sick dog when I worked them up, and was fixing to take her to the vet when I posted these. My mind was elsewhere, so I did nothing outside of the norm in the process of working them up.
Yes, they were all taken with the 400mm. I did not take another lens out that day/evening/night. I kept thinking I should, but I was very lax. Kind of burned out.
And I was very disappointed that there were no chicks, not more leaves on the trees and that all the eggs I had seen in the past were gone. In fact no birds were inhabiting that area where they had been setting up nests before. They were all in the area where they were last year.
I was bummed on that.
Those were taken, lots of them with kind of low light, and I had taken my monopod, carried it from here to there, drove me nuts, and I never used it.
It was not one of my better excursions.............. I expected to leave early, I did not do that. When I did I was exhausted.
I did get some interesting, to me interesting, shots of a bunch of Ibis in a dead tree. It is a shame I have not worked them up. I should. They were the most interesting unique thing that happened that night, other than the military planes which I thought were going to land right next to me, on me, bomb me, whatever...........
I just grabbed that shot, but in the year I have been going to
that swamp at Magnolia, I have never seen a plane, heard a
plane that low or anything like that. We do have an air force
base "here", but that was disconcerting.
Thanks all for stopping and commenting, will try to remember to work
up the Ibis shots.
All I was thinking of at the time was "egrets, gotta get egrets", but I have
never seen a bunch of Ibis like that, either. I did break out the 70-200 for that, but it was not effective, and I put it back in my backpack after a couple of photos. It is most successful there at getting reflections and things like that.
On the second shot, you are correct, IMO, all that foreground is not needed.
ginger, smile.