DavidTO...you still alive? - Apple Boot Camp - Windows

i thought i heard a scream and a big thud from california earlier today....
Pedal faster
but on the other hand... it's an excuse to upgrade the computer!
Boot Camp
you're late
It wasn't me. I could care less. I know that for some people this is important. And all it can do is spead Apple's footprint that much farther...
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Really. Seemed pretty inevitable to me from the moment they announced the chip switch.
BWG, make sure you watch the keynote when Jobs introduces Leopard. It'll be a sight to see, for sure.
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Calling a spade a spade. Love it.
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Although the scenario I like even better is this: Apple spins the OS group off on it's own or sells/transfers it directly to M$. Either way M$ ends up sticking it's brand on some future version of OSX and dropping Windows and its variants. Apple becomes a high-end clone maker, sort of a premium Dell. M$ has their hand in both honey-pots.
Upside: Bye-bye DOS based Windows, hello OSX variant for the masses.
Downside: Bye-bye competition..
Apple Introduces Boot Camp
WOW! I cannot say I would have thought they would release this software. Now I want to know if it will run the GPS software via XP.
Patch, would you like me to stow your LAGGAGE?
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I still think it is cool. Apple can sell macs and you can do what you want. I want to work on a Mac, but there are a few things I cannot do without XP, mostly GPS stuff and a few small programs. Stuff I have lived without, but for the price of XP I can now run those programs. Oh yeah, I guess I have to buy an Intel Based mac. I like the new imac, but my powerbook is getting old, so by the time I can save up the money they should have the bugs worked out and maybe 10.5 released.
So I would guess after all these years Garmin will announce tomorrow an OSX native solution is finished, now that we could run XP. :bash I guess I would still prefer to run in under OSX. If I had XP I would want to limit its use to only what I have to run in XP.
And dont get this twisted, while Apple is very big into hardware, they are still all about OS X and the rest of their software. Steve Jobs has said it time & time again that Apple is about the OS as well as hardware. They have built the best OS and invested allot of blood sweat & tears into it. This is just a way to acquire more market & silence the old "what if I need to run a Windows app or play my pc games" argument.
I believe this is a win for everyone, but consumers will win the most. I would have loved to seen the look on Michael Dell's face when they told him the news this morning. It would be like:
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by apple
Word to the Wise
Windows running on a Mac is like Windows running on a PC. That means it’ll be subject to the same attacks that plague the Windows world. So be sure to keep it updated with the latest Microsoft Windows security fixes.
And the unstability and crashes also.......Hmmmmmmm would you really want that..........................................
Bubba, what are you on?
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But will winblows crash when he tries to boot it? Seriously as a network admin the idea of dual booting os x and winblows is very appealing, I could then cut the number of laptops I use to two.
Of course a move like that would further support my little conspiracy theory. Okay.. you don't agree, that's cool. I still think it's possible. Like I said, I'm not for it by any means, but it's possible.
I wonder if you would have asked me the same thing if I suggested a year/year and a half ago that Mac would go Intel..
Heheh. Maybe. But even then the processor problems Apple was facing means that it would have made more sense.
Things sure are changing fast, that's for sure.
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but some things stay the same.
I have to admit too, I do not see Apple moving away from software development. They have too many applications that are big winners for the pro video/photo/audio markets, plus their consumer software is geared for what people need and can use easily. I would be more shocked if they moved away from software vs the Intel move. The hardware issue was not in their control. But if any one thing is constant, it would be change.
And the BSOD.
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Why not to 1 instead of 2?