Proof CD
I was wondering if anyone knows how to make a proof CD. I am assuming that it is low res. But there must be a specific way to do that so that the pictures are clear enough to know they are good but low enough res that they can't be printed out unless lousy prints. If this isn't the correct forum could you let me know where I should go. :dunno
Thanks, Tracy
I was wondering if anyone knows how to make a proof CD. I am assuming that it is low res. But there must be a specific way to do that so that the pictures are clear enough to know they are good but low enough res that they can't be printed out unless lousy prints. If this isn't the correct forum could you let me know where I should go. :dunno
Thanks, Tracy
I also try to find someone (working for a school [elem, jr/sr high or University]) to order from someplace like academic superstore to get it a great discount...I got mine almost 6 months ago for $89 from Academic Superstore..retail is $160.....
I don't botehr with password protecting the proofs but I disable printing and watermark - sometimes with a big PROOF or my name.....across the pic.....not across the main part bur somewhere it will be noticed and can't be cropped out......Also I put it on a rewriteable cd and ask it be returned with order and place a psudeo deposit on it in the way of if you return it I'll knock a couple of dollars off the order......