File prep confusion from RAW NEF files
How should I prepare my files for printing LARGE PRINTS. I currently have been posting my converted raw files which the original size being 2477 x 1644 pixels at 300ppi. I shoot with a Nikon D2HS, I have ordered some of my own prints to check quality, they look OK, I have ordered prints and seen other prints produced all shot with a Nikon D2HS and they have been JAW DROPPINGLY GORGEOUS. Still cant figure out what I am doing wrong. Then sharpening those jpegs in PS and saving as a quality 10. The resulting size ranges from 1.00 to 2.00 megs. Now when I order say 20x30 prints should I be uploading resized jpegs to the maximum size that I need to print, example 4954x3288 pixels at 300ppi which would give me a jpeg size of about 6megs. I am still confused.
These two sections should help.
If you'd like, prep a couple files and I will happily review them for you.
All the best,
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