A few from a couple of weeks ago, really and interesting time. I wasn't aware of the Civil War History in Texas, it was a new and neat outing.
Cool photos. Where in Texas was this taken? I wonder how the first photo would look with a little tighter crop on the bottom...or a sepia look? I'm not sure though. The man's face in the second one just suits the whole situation/photo great! Great photos!
Cool photos. Where in Texas was this taken? I wonder how the first photo would look with a little tighter crop on the bottom...or a sepia look? I'm not sure though. The man's face in the second one just suits the whole situation/photo great! Great photos!
Howdy Ivar,
Thanks so much for the reply and nice comments.
These photos were taken at Camp Ford right outside Tyler, Texas. We had gone to one a couple of weeks before but it had been rained out, and it was going to be really big. Complete with a full skirmish, and several charges, but the weather wasn't very nice, and we had almost 6 inches of rain, but that little taste of it really peaked our interest.
A few from a couple of weeks ago, really and interesting time. I wasn't aware of the Civil War History in Texas, it was a new and neat outing.
Thought these were great! Interesting to see re-enactments using horses. I used to belong to are-enactment group (well several actually). I can't do it now because of injury. Here's a couple of pics:
Vikings & Saxons
And here's a couple from the Tudor period:
And a couple from our civil war period in the UK
Iconic Creative http://iconiccreative.smugmug.com "To be creative means the ability to remain thirsty and to want more, never be content...you keep on seeing, discovering and understanding the joy of creativity"
Raghu Rai
All great pictures!:): Imagine if we had late 20th century cameras back in all of those war-times. Sadly though, there has been over 14,000 wars since time began... pushing 15,000.:cry
Facebook: Friend / Fan || Twitter: @shimamizu || Google Plus
Burleson, Texas
smugmug: www.StandOutphoto.smugmug.com
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
Howdy Daniel,
I would think being in Kansas there would be plenty of different re-enactments, here's a link you might check out.
Burleson, Texas
Howdy Ivar,
Thanks so much for the reply and nice comments.
These photos were taken at Camp Ford right outside Tyler, Texas. We had gone to one a couple of weeks before but it had been rained out, and it was going to be really big. Complete with a full skirmish, and several charges, but the weather wasn't very nice, and we had almost 6 inches of rain, but that little taste of it really peaked our interest.
Thanks again!!
Burleson, Texas
Vikings & Saxons
And here's a couple from the Tudor period:
And a couple from our civil war period in the UK
Iconic Creative
"To be creative means the ability to remain thirsty and to want more, never be content...you keep on seeing, discovering and understanding the joy of creativity"
Raghu Rai
Oh wow, Those are really neat, the morning dew and fog really adds a great dimension. The Tudor Period images are really neat also!!
Thanks for your comment and sharing some of your Re-enactment shots!!
Burleson, Texas
Imagine if we had late 20th century cameras back in all of those war-times. Sadly though, there has been over 14,000 wars since time began... pushing 15,000.:cry
My Gear
Camera: Nikon D50
Lens: Sigma 18-50mm F3.5-5.6 DC
Flash: Nikon SB600 SpeedLight
Vertical Powergrip: Opteka Platinum Series
Flash Diffuser: Lightsphere II (Clear)
Teleconverter: Quantaray 2x
Lens Filters: 2 SunPak UV 58mm
Card: Lexar Platinum II 512mb/60x
Bag: Canon 200DG
Printer: Canon PIXMA iP6700D
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