Charleston Harbor, SC: Regatta, too

It was a grey morning, the sun came out for awhile, lots of moisture in the air. In post, I did set a black point, used CMYK, everything to cut through the moisture. This was from a new observation tower on a nature trail at Patriot's Point in Mt Pleasant. Gorgeous view, going to go back many times.
Tornadoes in the afternoon. I did not get photos of that! I was terrified.
But the morning was very nice, and the race did get in. I don't know about the big tent dinner that night.

Sailboats pass Fort Pinckney, the first fort captured by the south in the Civil War (late unpleasantness, smile).

St Michaels Church crowds up against a modern bldg in this photograph of a small boat passing downtown Charleston in the area of Waterfront Park.

Thanks for looking, comments are always welcome. Have a great day!
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
So nice to have my coffee and read your comments,
nice photos-
hope you are doing ok-
Thanks, George, amazing what asthma medications can do for breathing.
Thanks for the nice thoughts and for stopping and commenting.
And I can't believe I'm saying this (the way I butcher ps) but #3 looks overcooked the water looks too blue.
Hi, Fred, had to look to see where you live, smile! No, the light changes and we can get deep blue skies, same with the water. That morning the light was changing all the time.
I didn't do anything to it that I didn't do to the other photos.
Sometimes I looked away from the Regatta over to Charleston and would take a photo as the sky would not "match" the other colors. Strange and challenging lighting situation.
We did have three tornadoes touch down that afternoon. But gosh we do have some very blue water. NOt that I did not "cook" it at all, but nothing unusual for me, nor different from the shot of the boats and the old fort. The red on the whatever it is in the water, it looks the most fake to me, but wouldn't take much to bring that out, just a bit, about plus 15, of saturation will do that.
I really wanted to bring color out in the group sailboat shots, just wasn't there to do it with, ..........same basic treatment, smile.
thanks for stopping and commenting.
Kentucky, huh? You have had some storms, too?
Yes we have had lots of storms it's that time of year.
Lost a big cedar in the back yard
Lots of roofs torn off in town and many old trees at a local nature center are down. And were just getting started.
The color of that water is great amazing the water of the old muddy Ohio is well muddy and the Licking River is even mudder.
Great photos keep them coming