Some bigger birdies
Had just about an hours free time so made a mad dash to the Fish Hatchery aka the goose capital:): Nesting pairs on all the access roads in-between the fish ponds with gangs of 5+ singles annoying the pairs, oh the racket! There were some Buffleheads and Hooded Mergansers + others on the ponds but getting close with the geese was about impossible. C&C always welcome and thanks for looking.
On the nest..I was across the pond

Her VERY vocal mate

A couple geese from one of the 'Gangs'. Not a great shot, BBIF but good practice.

Oh Yea something besides geese! Lesser Scaups. Not only was I shooting across the ponds but had to shoot down over the banks, being taller than 5'4" would have been nice.
On the nest..I was across the pond

Her VERY vocal mate

A couple geese from one of the 'Gangs'. Not a great shot, BBIF but good practice.

Oh Yea something besides geese! Lesser Scaups. Not only was I shooting across the ponds but had to shoot down over the banks, being taller than 5'4" would have been nice.

Until you have to sit in a small car...bus...or the worst of them all...the dreaded international flight.
What sort of geese are they T (ok just saw the names..doh !!) ? They make good watch dogs.
Ohoo don't mention dreaded international flight! Would love, been my dream,( since I was knee high to a short sheep), to visit your part of the world. Would have to be by boat:cry
Heck even at my size planes are cramped.
Yes I could see a Canada being a great watch dog:D
Did you know a wing whip from one of those suckers could snap a forearm?
Thomas Fuller.
SmugMug account.
I like the first shot with the unusual pose, and the last one are a pair I've never seen.
My nit for the day is
Oh, one more thing.....
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Selective Sharpening Tutorial
Making a Frame for your image (Tutorial)
It takes lots of practice on those BIF. They look pretty sharp to me.
Yep they can. When I had a wildlife license and raised Canadians - they were pretty mean when nesting. Black Swans were worse. They both have a very hard knobby bone in the "elbow" of their wing that they use for protection. Believe me you don't want to get clobbered by one. I've had broken glasses and a black eye more than once from them.
** Feel free to edit my photos if you see room for improvement.**
Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if
no birds sang there except those that sang best.
~Henry Van Dyke
Thanks on th BIF about one out of 50, very, very hard.
Was keeping my distance from the mated pairs:): NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"