Angel's Landing (Zion NP) - 4 views

Angel's Landing is the "centerpiece" (for me) of Zion Nat'l Park. I can't resist photographing it in any season or lighting. Here are 4 views, with 4 different cameras, at 4 different dates, each at a (slightly) different location and time of day...
March 2002, Canon G2

March 2003, Canon D60

April 2003, Canon G3

November 2005, Sony R1
March 2002, Canon G2

March 2003, Canon D60

April 2003, Canon G3

November 2005, Sony R1

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Canon 20D | 10-22 | 17-85 IS | 50/1.4 | 70-300 IS | 100/2.8 macro
Sony F717 | Hoya R72
Nice to see you still around.
Take care,
Langford Photography
I know I've been there... back in the film days. I can't remember if I shot slide or print... now, hmmm, since I'm "so" well organized, where are those photos?
Digital sure makes it easier to be organized!
The R1 colors appear a little more subdued... do you find the same thing? But that blue sky sure is silky smooth.
Dee - actually, that one is the only one of the four that I shot in RAW, so its probably more a matter of processing than anything else. I've heard people say that the R1's JPG colors are a bit too saturated (like most Sonys). I don't agree, since I like 'em that way.