Old Negs- Prague, on and around Charles Bridge

I've been putting my new epson scanner to good use, and seeing just how bad a photographer I was back in the day. Here are some shots from back in 1993- totaly manual Zenit SLR and Fomapan B&W film:

Here's the one I like best:

To this day, the hottest girl I have ever seen. Unfortunately, I was too slow with the camera:

Here's the one I like best:

To this day, the hottest girl I have ever seen. Unfortunately, I was too slow with the camera:

Cave ab homine unius libri
Actually I kinda liked them all....however when it comes to Prague, I can say I haven't seen to many pics I don't like.....Prague the Home of Josef Sudek....quite the photog called the Poet of Prague, only had one arm
As far as the Hottest girl...Prague has the best I have ever met also....their beauty..is more than slin deep.....and when you were there the CR was a new Nation in its own right......Gawd I love that city & country
Zenits are still very popular there...I saw tons of them while runing around with my nikon strung around my neck......