Cameras banned from Carlsbad Caverns

Well, it seems that cameras are now banned from Carlsbad Cavern during the bat flights.
All because some body cannot figure out how to turn off their flash?
All because some body cannot figure out how to turn off their flash?
SmugMug Support Hero
Man im in a bad mood tonight...where are the spammers ?
Speaking of the "flash thing". I was recently at the public aquarium here and there are signs " flash photography.. Fish are sensative to light". If I had a buck for every flash that went off in the short time I was there...I could have bought lunch for all my friends. Idiots.
"Osprey Whisperer"
It was that 1% that did 99% of the damage to the rest of the formations.
When I worked changing the light bulbs, I carried water with me. Not for me to drink, but to clean formations that I may have touched or got footprints on.
Smoking in a cave is just wrong. A friend of mine almost killed another caver for smoking in a wild cave. We were deep inside this cave when she decided she just had to have a smoke. There is no air exchange in some caves and the smoke hung in the air for hours. He came really close to beating her to death on the spot. I stopped him when I mentioned that we would have to carry her body back out as we could not rightfully leave it behind.
No camera-naive tourist is going to bother with all that.
Its kind of like cell phones. There are those that cannot or will not turn off the ringer on their cell phones. They are the ones that get cell phones banned from some places. I know how and very frequently turn off the ringer on my phone. I even use text messaging to keep from distubing others. And yes, I even slip it in my pocket with it set to vibrate to enter those places where they ask you to turn it off. I realized why they tell you to turn it off, most people can't find the off switch. If my phone rings, I either wait till a break to check the VM or if it is an emergency call, I leave before answering.
How much do you want to bet that the visitors center will have a nice selection of bat photos TAKEN WITH A FLASH for sale?
This is so true. Every make (if not every model) has different procedure/buttons for setting up the flash mode. Tons of P&S owners have no idea flash can be disabled, let alone how..
Ok, I know I am twisted.
Canon 5D Mk.2/Grip || Canon 7D Backup
17-40 f/4L || 70-200 f/2.8L IS || 100mm f/2.8L Macro || 24-70mm f/2.8L
Wedding Photographer
My answer
Catapult Seats
** Feel free to edit my photos if you see room for improvement.**
Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if
no birds sang there except those that sang best.
~Henry Van Dyke
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
<small> No, bats aren't blind. All bats can see, although some species aren't exactly eagle-eyed. </small><small> While scientists believe smaller bats don't see in color, many species get around amazingly well in the dark. Some bat species have the added advantage of echolocation -- the ability to bounce sounds off an object, including prey, to determine its size, shape, and location.</small>
<small> The Bat Conservation International reports the echolocation of a fishing bat is sophisticated enough to detect a minnow's fin as fine as a human hair sticking up just 2 mm above a pond's surface. Those of us with LASIK should be so lucky.</small>
<small> So saying you're "as blind as a bat" without your contacts isn't really an admission of poor eyesight. It's just an idiom dating back hundreds of years. Though they may be as hungry as a horse, as quiet as a mouse, and as happy as a clam, bats aren't, well, as blind as a bat. </small>