Supermarket Skate
I went out last night at 11:30 to get bread. I grabbed the 20D and 85 f1.8 to maybe shoot some moonlight landscapes. When I got to the local Safeway there were a group of kids grinding a bench in the parking lot. The 85 isn't an optimal FL for shooting this but I got a few good ones. ISO 3200 f3.5 1/250 with +1 stop FEC on the popup. I had fun shooting this, and I may try to do more. C/C always welcome.

my words, my "pro"pictures, my "fun" pictures, my videos.
the angle on #2 looks best to me.
the skater looks more in control.
get a strobe for dramatic backlighting, and perhaps another with a red gel filling the background, bribe the kids to rail slide an eight step, and you're on your way!
come to think of it, i've really got to do that.
i'm saving up for a elinchrom ranger kit.
Setup: One camera, one lens, and one roll of film.