Buying Used... Is it worth it ?

People have suggested buying used lenses but im not comfortable with that. I mean no warranty, no potential for extended warranty and who knows how it was treated...... whats you opinions on it ?
====My Gear=====
Canon 5D Mk.2/Grip || Canon 7D Backup
17-40 f/4L || 70-200 f/2.8L IS || 100mm f/2.8L Macro || 24-70mm f/2.8L
Wedding Photographer
Canon 5D Mk.2/Grip || Canon 7D Backup
17-40 f/4L || 70-200 f/2.8L IS || 100mm f/2.8L Macro || 24-70mm f/2.8L
Wedding Photographer
A lens sees use, but I would suggest that most take very dear care of them, the same as you. Would you buy the lenses you have now from someone if they offered them to you?
For me, I haven't bought thru here because most prices I have seen have been little less than what I can get on places like B&H. Or at least, I don't mind paying the difference to get gear new, at least so far.
I would say that if the deal looks good, there is incentive to buy used for the item (cheaper, whatever), you see the seller often on the boards and they get good ratings...then go for it.
For the most part it is a good deal. I have been buying used gear here and on FM for over 2 years and I have purchased a few large ticket items this way with no problem. I baby my gear and in some ways I expect most people from dgrin and FM do as well.
Evil Bay is another story altogether. I'm sure there are some good, reliable vendors on evilbay, but nothing like here and on FM. There its all buisness, but here it is a much more familial environment. I'm sharing photos here and learing about photography with some pretty freaking cool people
The biggest plus for me is being able to explore different gear and different types of photography knowing if it doesn't fit my style I can sell and recoup most of, if not all, of the money I put in. Probably saved lots of cash over retail markup, shipping, and tax too.
Lenses hold their value the best and if in mint condition it should fetch 80-85% of its B&H price. Any more than that and , for me, it needs to have the whole time left on the warranty. I think this is a good guide for canon L's. Sigmas and other 3rd party lenses dont seem to hold the value as well.
Cameras hold value poorly in comparison to lenses. Best time to buy is a few months right after a new model comes out. Some great deals right now on 20D's now that the 30D has arrived. I tend to stay away from buying used cameras around the time of the PMA's and other conventions as the prices on what was the latest model will drop quite a bit after they announce its successor. I know there probably won't be a successor to the 30D announced this summer, but I would hold off on buying used XTs, 5Ds (ya never know
I have a had a few bad experiences buying and selling used. One time I got a kind of lemon of a lens...porr focus on 2 bodies...luckily I was able to get canon to service it for free and now it works great. Also, I got a good price on a 400mm 5.6, but had to sell it due to financial reasons. Sold it to someone (not here) and marked it down out because I was a real fan of the buyer's photography. 1 week later he turned around and sold it for a handsome profit. Nothing wrong with that, its his lens and he can sell it for whatever the market will tolerate. However it is worth mentioning that some people buy and sell for profit which to me is more along the spirit of ebay and not a social environment. Again this is just how I feel on this one.
Overall, buying used has been a great experience--especially here on dgrin. The board moves pretty slow sometimes, but the people can't be beat. Everyone I have ever bought from has given me a great price and a piece of gear in the exact condition it was described.
Hope this tome of a post helps!