Religious festival decoration

city decorated for religious festival you mey find similer type of shots in my gallery but these are fresh and littel bit different shots of same buildings
i wonder if you can see picture because i cannot see them i have posted correct linkspanoramas from 4 shots

that lamp (i hate it there)

these 2 images had a problem i bet they work perfeclty with links :uhoh
thanks :thumb

these 2 images had a problem i bet they work perfeclty with links :uhoh
thanks :thumb
Thine is the beauty of light; mine is the song of fire. Thy beauty exalts the heart; my song inspires the soul. Allama Iqbal
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The space is there, but I don't see the pictures.
Hi Ric thanks
have you seen all 8 images
i am only looking at red X and white boxes :cry
My Gallery
I was wondering the same...I even checked FF and nothing....:cry
Sorry Awais I bet they are beautiful...
i hope now you can see them
My Gallery
I can see them if I right mouse button on the image place holder, copy thr url, paste it into the explorer address bar, I can go directly to your site & view them. Very nice Awais.
thanks Eyemax i love your shot which appears on dgrin header
My Gallery
Make sure you've turned on external links in the gallery customize settings. Your images should show up then.
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YUP YUP...That is what I did.....AWAIS...AWAIS.....CAN YOU HEAR ME AWAIS.....They are FANTASTIC!!!!
thanks for the info
My Gallery
Sure. They look great!
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thank you Art i am glad you have seen them
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