Yo Tooth, whats happening? : I hope you enjoyed or are enjoying your stay here in Vegas.
Anyway about yoru shot. Its very dark. Its also slightly blurry. I think a tripod would probably help so you can increase the amount of time you allow the light to travel to your camera and keep the jitters away from making a sharp photo. I think a fountain is very porous because water has to escape various tunnels and pipes so that itmay 'pop' out. so I think this still meets the req for the challenge. anyway i hope my thoughts help.
Anyway about yoru shot. Its very dark. Its also slightly blurry. I think a tripod would probably help so you can increase the amount of time you allow the light to travel to your camera and keep the jitters away from making a sharp photo. I think a fountain is very porous because water has to escape various tunnels and pipes so that itmay 'pop' out. so I think this still meets the req for the challenge. anyway i hope my thoughts help.