Speeding up Photoshop on Windows
I just discovered a very cool tip at lonestar.com. You can signficantly decrease the amount of time it takes to read an image into Photopshop by simply disabling the Digimarc plugin (assuming you never use it, like most folks.) Evidently Digimarc scans every image you load looking for water marks, which is a big time waste. Simply go into your "program files"\adobe\PhotoshopCS2\Plugins folders, and rename Digimarc to ~Digimarc.
The link to lonestar article is here: http://www.lonestardigital.com/photoshop_quicktips.htm
This suggestion actually comes straight from Adobe support in a document full of other optimizations: http://www.adobe.com/support/techdocs/318243.html
It's worth reading through all of them. I also implemented the suggestion to set up my scratch area on a different disk than my system drive.
Maybe I'm imagining it, but PS seems to load images MUCH more quickly now.
The link to lonestar article is here: http://www.lonestardigital.com/photoshop_quicktips.htm
This suggestion actually comes straight from Adobe support in a document full of other optimizations: http://www.adobe.com/support/techdocs/318243.html
It's worth reading through all of them. I also implemented the suggestion to set up my scratch area on a different disk than my system drive.
Maybe I'm imagining it, but PS seems to load images MUCH more quickly now.
Thanks for the tip and links, cheers, Marko