You got yourphoto on a bottle of Jones Soda or Jones Naturals! You are the cream of the crop! The king of the hill! The cat's meow! And before you go thinking that we're being sarcastic, let me assure that we really, truly mean it. Only a mere 1% of all submitted photos make it to the much sought after Jones label. So, please take a moment to step back, bask in all your glory and know that you are officially neater today than you were yesterday. Want your own bottle? Check your local store where you already buy Jones! Happy Hunting!!
And keep on running with the little guy...
Photo Star
Jones Soda Co.
Cheesy, canned, insincere, sure. But fun:D
Y'all don't want to hear me, you just want to dance.
:nah they say specifically not to ask for cases of them because there are so many pictures that are used they just can't keep track of who's is whos.
I have got to agree with Skippy a little bit on the name though...fufu berry soday? maybe it's an american thing, but it sounds like a poodle to me too
It must just not translate well into Aussie then. Do you call poodles fufus or something?
fufu |?fo??fo?| (also foo-foo) noun dough made from boiled and ground plantain or cassava, used as a staple food in parts of western and central Africa. ORIGIN mid 18th cent.: from Twi fufuu.
fufu |?fo??fo?| (also foo-foo) noun dough made from boiled and ground plantain or cassava, used as a staple food in parts of western and central Africa. ORIGIN mid 18th cent.: from Twi fufuu.
I don't think it's plantain dough soda
Y'all don't want to hear me, you just want to dance.
Congratulations, anyway!
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Cheesy, canned, insincere, sure. But fun:D
No problem. You'll be famous
But you might want to ask them about the fufu berry though
Oh well, it's still fun
Indeed it will! I'll look for it in the market next time I'm there.
how did you send in your pic? by mail or by internet?
Phoenix, AZ
Canon Bodies
Canon and Zeiss Lenses
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
I have never heard of Jones Soda. I wonder if it's distributed in Chicago?
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Sounds like good PR to me
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
:nah they say specifically not to ask for cases of them because there are so many pictures that are used they just can't keep track of who's is whos.
Hahahahaha......... FuFu Berry......sounds like a Poodle Name
Well good for you Mike
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
Congrats, Mike!!
Only 1% !!!! (and thats a quote!)
It's another notch in the proverbial belt!!
(was wondering about your new sig/avatar note!)
I have got to agree with Skippy a little bit on the name though...fufu berry soday? maybe it's an american thing, but it sounds like a poodle to me too & smugmug
It must just not translate well into Aussie then. Do you call poodles fufus or something?
fufu |?fo??fo?| (also foo-foo) noun dough made from boiled and ground plantain or cassava, used as a staple food in parts of western and central Africa. ORIGIN mid 18th cent.: from Twi fufuu.
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