Ebay Buyers Beware: Sony Memory Stick PRO-DUO Fake!

I've been had! I recently purchased a Memory Stick Pro-Duo on Ebay. Its the model: MSX-M2GN 2GB. I was going to re-sell it at first since I got it for such a good price, but after some research online finding out that these fakes were in circulation, I stopped.
Here's the deal, the card works fine. It stores photos and works faster than my 40x 1GB CF card. However, the problem with it is that it can only hold only about 1GB worth of information even though its suppose to be 2GB.
At first, I thought it was my Sony F828 that had a problem. I thought it was firmware issues but my firmware is already the latest. I also thought that the card was incompatible with the camera, but that couldn't be, my camera isnt that old. So I took some looking around online and found outthe real reason why.
Anyone can be fooled. However there are some hints to how youc an tell the fake from the real, the links provided below has some real and fake photographs to tell the difference. One clue that hit me was the way the box came with no instruction manual. I thought it was normal since there was only one way to use a memory card hah. But to an untrained eye, you just cant see the difference. Here's some photos of the box, see for yourself:
*Update* 4/20/2007
We moved our servers recently and have moved the photos to our gallery below:
Unfortunately, I've already placed a positive feedback. As soon as I noticed that the card worked fine, I figured it was legit so I sent my feedback. I should have known better. I think this is the reason why this seller keeps all of his transaction numbers hidden, which is also why I included it in my feedback
I wish I can provide more warning to the buyers however, I think its too late.
I dont know what I'll do yet. I'm thinking about just keeping the card since it didnt cost me much. But I still dont like the idea of getting duped. I should have done more research.
At least I'm here to give you guys a heads up. I don't want this to happen to anyone else. Now you know, so dont get fooled!
Here's the Ebay Link I bought it from: (dont email the guy just yet! im trying to get a replacement!)
Links to other threads about counterfeit cards:
Here's the deal, the card works fine. It stores photos and works faster than my 40x 1GB CF card. However, the problem with it is that it can only hold only about 1GB worth of information even though its suppose to be 2GB.
At first, I thought it was my Sony F828 that had a problem. I thought it was firmware issues but my firmware is already the latest. I also thought that the card was incompatible with the camera, but that couldn't be, my camera isnt that old. So I took some looking around online and found outthe real reason why.
Anyone can be fooled. However there are some hints to how youc an tell the fake from the real, the links provided below has some real and fake photographs to tell the difference. One clue that hit me was the way the box came with no instruction manual. I thought it was normal since there was only one way to use a memory card hah. But to an untrained eye, you just cant see the difference. Here's some photos of the box, see for yourself:
*Update* 4/20/2007
We moved our servers recently and have moved the photos to our gallery below:
Unfortunately, I've already placed a positive feedback. As soon as I noticed that the card worked fine, I figured it was legit so I sent my feedback. I should have known better. I think this is the reason why this seller keeps all of his transaction numbers hidden, which is also why I included it in my feedback

I dont know what I'll do yet. I'm thinking about just keeping the card since it didnt cost me much. But I still dont like the idea of getting duped. I should have done more research.
At least I'm here to give you guys a heads up. I don't want this to happen to anyone else. Now you know, so dont get fooled!
Here's the Ebay Link I bought it from: (dont email the guy just yet! im trying to get a replacement!)
Links to other threads about counterfeit cards:
I'm going to see what the seller says first, give him another day or two to explain himself, if it doesnt work out, I'm filing it with PayPal this week.
going to visit Bill Gates (I wonder if they'll talk about the piracy of Windows?).
Anyway, my suggestion is that you contact Ebay and tell them about the fake
merchandise. You might also contact Sony as I'm sure they'd be interested
Sorry to hear you got taken and thank you for the heads up.
Phoenix, AZ
Canon Bodies
Canon and Zeiss Lenses
Maybe someone with a better memory might point you towards the posts
Good luck with resolving the issue which ever way it goes, I hope it is the whole 2GB.
Found this, hope it helps
Hmm, I'm contemplating on just keeping the card because its able to hold just about 1GB of information, which is more than enough extra space I need since I can use both MStick and CF cards at the flick of a switch. What do you guys think, should I return it for a full refund or keep it.
Have you called Sony? I would, see what they say. I am not sure what leads you to think this is a fake. If so, this is the finest fake I have ever seen, even down to the hologram sticker. I can see faking many things but memory sticks? There is such a small market for them, and there are so few manufacturers producing them, faking would be very very hard. I could see someone taking a 128MB stick and relabeling it a 2GB as 'fake' but otherwise, I think you may have a "grey market' memory stick, one imported from japan or overseas and sold via non-approved dealer.
In any case, Sony could at least help you fix your problem. I would not offer up that you think this a fake or that it is grey market however.
However, I did notice another difference. The legitimate cards have a sort of holographic-sparkly texture to their text where as the counterfeit ones do not. Here's some more examples:
Letters not engraved like other Memory Sticks, the letters are invisible when seen at an angle:
Bogus Serial #s, when I submitted the # to Sony's website, it said that it was invalid:
Letters already starting to fade the more I remove it and insert it into the adapter:
At the least, the seller is willing to refund my money as long as I return the goods. I'm still skeptic on whether or not I should. It took about 2.5 weeks for me to receive it. Since I've already published a positive feedback, any following feedbacks wont help future bidders from bidding again.
but..., the card still works, I'm able to hold up to 340 images (around 1GB in total space) @ 8MP in Jpeg and 40 Tiff Images at 8MP before it makes 'junk' files which dont playback. My biggest concern is whether I should take a risk at keeping it and hoping that it retains its life for at least a year before 'dies' out and is no longer usable OR return it for the money I spent (around $35). $35 is still cheap for a generic 1GB stick and it performs better (speed wise) than my 40x 1GB CF card by Lexar.
I'm still a little irritated the way they would go to such extremes. I mean these things look so authentic.
I think I had the same thing happen to me. How do you check the sony serial number?
update on the seller though, looks like the seller i bought mine from on ebay has permanently left or dismissed by ebay. but i warn you, there are many other sellers out there, so be careful what you buy! ive heard about compact flash cards and sd cards being fakes as well!
i paid aroudn 35$ shipped for mine, but it still functions as a 1gb card and still has not burnt out on me (had it for a few months), so in a way im not too mad about the entire ordeal. if you think its worth taking a chance, go for it, just make sure you dont pay too much where you'll really regret trying it.
glad to help out.
Ebay and Paypal can still help you get your refund....I would not just let it go.....remeber what you store on it are picutes that you worked hard for...what happens when it fails....it is not a Sony so how do you recover the images.....
but in the end it is up to you, and you will also be helping the next person that gets "duped" (as you put it) when this sellar comes back ( if he wasn't permanetly banned from Ebay)........
I mean, just for those who purchase on Ebay for cards and such, just remember, most of the time, you get what you paid for.
Heres the link to the person's Ebay profile:
(there were no negative comments when i ordered from him, but now theres at least 2 or 3 dozen)
Does anyone know the website on which I could check the validity of the sony serial number?
Guess they shut him down. Well, looks like he'll have to hijack another account. To bad. But, 76+ negs in this the last 6 months. Don't say much for the person. BTW, I'd change my feedback (if you can), and still file with PP stating "never rcvd".
try sony's websites, look up 'sony' on google. go to their corporate page, then their support area, they have an area where you can enter the serial number of whatever card/item you have from them. if you still cant find it, let me know, i have the link saved somewhere, i have to look really hard to find it again though.
Yeah just watch out for cheap stuff on Ebay! You get what you paid for!
LISTINGS:6" rel="nofollow">http://reviews.ebay.com/Sony-Memory-Stick-Pro-Duo-Card_W0QQugidZ10000000000014874?ssPageName=BUYGD:CAT
Supposedly, if you go to this link:
and enter your model and serial number, the authentication system will tell you if the serial number is real or bogus. That still may not authenticate your stick as valid, but if you seem to have a valid serial number and if the capacity verifies as complete, then you are likely to have an authentic Sony branded memory stick.
Good luck,
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
yeeesirrr. thats what i used. hah thanks for finding the link.