Need Storage Space?

If you need a lot of storage space it is going to cost you. :huh
I am sure for a raid it is not that expensive, especially compared to the old prices a couple years ago, but is sure seems pricey. Thankfully I do not need that much storage at the moment. I think I have about 0.6 TB at the moment.
The fully occupied Xserve RAID with 5.6TB of storage comes with fourteen 400GB ATA/100 drives and has a retail price of $12,999.
The updated 3U system now offeers up to 5.6 terabytes of storage capacity at a price for storage of just over $2/GB.
I am sure for a raid it is not that expensive, especially compared to the old prices a couple years ago, but is sure seems pricey. Thankfully I do not need that much storage at the moment. I think I have about 0.6 TB at the moment.
Every time I read about current HD prices I think back to when I had a Commodore Amiga. I remember wanting a 20 megabyte harddisk... that cost $900. Now I can get 50x that amount of storage, in RAM, for less money
They give away 32mb cards for cameras these days.
I wonder when we will think a TB is just not big enough for our computers?