Canon 5D Infrared Mod Samples
Hi Gang,
OK so today, I got the holy grail, the Infrared Nirvana, the black and white Manna from Heaven, my new Canon 5D, modded for full-time Infrared Photography by Maxmax.
I have only had time to use it for sample/test shots but it seems to be everything I hoped for and then some!
Here are some samples, the gallery is here on my site, enjoy it with the loupe tool, on the full-size image :wink.
Zeiss Distagon 21mm f/2.8 aboard, f/8, 1/125th sec, ISO 100:

this is a 100% 800px by 800px crop from the above shot. Unsharpened.

same crop, with a little bit (40%, .4 radius, 0 threshhold) of Smart Sharpen:

And another sample, Canon 35 f/1.4L aboard, f/8, 1/80th sec, ISO 100:

100% crop, 800px by 800px. Unsharpened.

same crop, with a little bit ( (40%, .4 radius, 0 threshhold) of Smart Sharpen:

I am AMAZED at the quality of the skies, and the detail available, thoroughout the images. And the metering? So far, wonderful. The raw files are a joy to work with.
More to come....
Enjoy (full-frame infrared) photography,
OK so today, I got the holy grail, the Infrared Nirvana, the black and white Manna from Heaven, my new Canon 5D, modded for full-time Infrared Photography by Maxmax.
I have only had time to use it for sample/test shots but it seems to be everything I hoped for and then some!
Here are some samples, the gallery is here on my site, enjoy it with the loupe tool, on the full-size image :wink.
Zeiss Distagon 21mm f/2.8 aboard, f/8, 1/125th sec, ISO 100:

this is a 100% 800px by 800px crop from the above shot. Unsharpened.

same crop, with a little bit (40%, .4 radius, 0 threshhold) of Smart Sharpen:

And another sample, Canon 35 f/1.4L aboard, f/8, 1/80th sec, ISO 100:

100% crop, 800px by 800px. Unsharpened.

same crop, with a little bit ( (40%, .4 radius, 0 threshhold) of Smart Sharpen:

I am AMAZED at the quality of the skies, and the detail available, thoroughout the images. And the metering? So far, wonderful. The raw files are a joy to work with.
More to come....
Enjoy (full-frame infrared) photography,
oh, what is 'Smart Sharpen' btw?
Those are luscious looking images. Sharp as a tack!! I gather you have plans for May with the 5D IR.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Which of you Canon shooters is first in line to buy this baby from Andy next week?
Andy, a comment on the sharpened versions... what I'm seeing is excessive amounts of sharpening. They're overcooked. That lens and 5D combo do a good enough job already IMO, and only a teensy bit of sharpening is required, if any at all.
:nah Wish it could be me, but my entire year's photo budget is being blown early to get ready for the Utah trip. The Gitzo and RRS order just put me into credit counseling.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
When you're right, you're right. I hit my "FS IR sharpen" action I created - it was tuned for my Rebel IR Mod. I just replaced the two crops - "teensy" amount 40..
You're also right, that these files would print superb at nearly any size without any sharpening, too. I'll proably continue to refine the sharpening as I shoot more - thanks for the feedback!
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It's no longer keeping up with the Jones's. It's now keeping up with Andy. You certainly give us something to "shoot" for. Congrats on the awesome new toy. (motorsports)
Canon 20D | 10-22 | 17-85 IS | 50/1.4 | 70-300 IS | 100/2.8 macro
Sony F717 | Hoya R72
on another note.. Is there a way to grab SmartSharpen from CS2 and use it in CS1?
No, I'm afraid there isn't....
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I love it. Hopefully, one day I will find a modded camera at a decent price.
Looks great, Andy. I had the same thing in mind for my 5D, once
I pick up the next version of the 1ds2. Quick question, if I may.
1. How much did you pay for the conversion?
2. Does the picture come out as B&W or tinted red and you had to convert
it to B&W?
Michael Soo
the conversions run about $450 at
you can see how the files look by checking out my tute on IR processing, here:
those are from 300D but the 5D is similar - though NOT as red.
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Howdy Andy,
WOWSER, I can't wait to see what all comes out of this, with the image quality, file sizes, and this mod, they should really be sweet. I keep thinking of the early days of the Sony's and how revolutionary they seemed back then.:D
Burleson, Texas
Great stuff Andy!! Always a pleasure to see your work!
Thanks for the info. I think I'll be next soon.
- MS
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