*Challenge 24 - miketaylor01's landscapes*

Not sure if this qualifies.. Might just go out and take a traditional landscape to make sure I am actually shooting for the challenge. But this came to mind as I was walking by it yesterday and I had to shoot it. I will probably try to get another perspecitve of it if you all agree that its even worth pursuing this entry for the challenge. Dont want to make that mystake again so please let me know if you think this fits.

Ok I am throwing this one in here because I dont really think it fits as a landscape but really wanted to share it with everyone because I havent been able to take my eyes off it since I finished working on it in SPP. This is very close to what the original image was with a tiny bit of negative fill light and cropped.

Ok I am throwing this one in here because I dont really think it fits as a landscape but really wanted to share it with everyone because I havent been able to take my eyes off it since I finished working on it in SPP. This is very close to what the original image was with a tiny bit of negative fill light and cropped.

The only question I have is the shape?
And I don't have an answer to that, but someone does.
Are those stitched together? If so, and I might be wrong as I don't do that, have never tried stitching frames together, but I thought Andy said "no" to that.
However, I do love that second shot, the colors, the composition, everything.
Of course, I loved the other one you put up, rule of thirds or not, smile.
The first one I cropped to try to emphasize the antennas more. I think it worked.
So do either of these qualify as landscapes and if so do they qualify enough for me to think about entering? Thanks for your feedback ginger
Sigma SD9, SD14, and DP1
I like both of them.
I've heard people say many times, "Antennae dotted the landscape." This seems to be a good example of that. I've never seen anything like it. A very unusual landscape to be sure. Unique, original.
This is also a landscape. It's a wide vista of the land and sky. A very unusual vista again. Spooky light. Mystery and danger seem to be lurking with that chopper in the sky. To my mind, it could use a little more land at the bottom. But, that's just my opinion. I don't know what others would think.
The topic for this challenge is not as hard to define as the last one, to my mind. "Time" seemed to have many different interpretations. But a landscape or seascape or skyscape is pretty clear. And Andy did define it as covering all of those and more. When the topic is so broad, the entries can be so different. Almost like comparing apples and oranges. That's why each one has to stand on it's own merrits as a good photograph as well as pertain to the theme.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
I really like the overall feel of it. I agree with Snappy that a little land would enhance but all the same this wide angle version is worthy of a framing IMHO.
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
"It's better to bite the hand that feeds you, than to feed the hand that bites you" - Me
Ok, I made some changes to this one. Lt me know which you prefer and even if you prefer the other image I posted earlier over both of these. Thanks for all the input so far. I really didnt even think this image was really a landscape but alot of you have siad you think it does so far so I think I will probably go with it.
The original
New one
Sigma SD9, SD14, and DP1
I like the second one with a little more land. The only thing that bothers me is that now the sky is completely blown out.
I tried putting in an adjustment layer with the palest yellow from the sky then erasing it from the rest of the picture to leave what is on the background layer.If this looks anything like what was actually there, it could work. Up to you.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Sigma SD9, SD14, and DP1
I have Photoshop Elements 2.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Sigma SD9, SD14, and DP1
I misspoke or mistyped. I meant fill layer. I put in a solid fill, but a gradient would also work. I picked the lightest yellow, filled the whole layer and erased it from where the background layer was visible(not white). I used 100% opacity on most of it and something small, 7 or 8 at the edge of the white sky to blend. I used a 2 pixel point and 100% opacity to erase it from the chopper blades etc.. At least that carries some color all the way to the left edge. I hope you see yellow on your monitor, I do. It may not be perfect along the edges of mine, but I was just doing a quickie job.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Thanks for the explanation snappy. I wasa racking my brain trying every different type of adjustment layer last night. Nothing could come up with even came close to what you were able to do. One quick question. Do you dislike the blown out sky because of it being tchnically bad or is it dipleasing to your eye? Just curious. I like what you did with the sky when I look at it alone, but then when I look at both I think I like the effect that the blown out sky adds to the picture. I think having the sky basically the same color all the wal across kinda drops some of the dramatic look that the blown out sky adds to the original. Just the first thing that came to my mind when I looked at the two next to each other.
What does anyone else think? Would really like to hear as observations as possible. Will be going out tomorrow to shoot some different places I have been thinking about. Everyone else is posting some really great stuff and im really enjoying lookins at what everyone is coming up with.
Sigma SD9, SD14, and DP1
Pafhfinder had the opposite problem on the "alone together" challenge where the ue black areas on either side of the road increased the mood (I thought). I was surprised he didn't make the vote and wondered if that was the reason.
Its a diificult one, technical correctness has to be an element of the judging process, but there must be some give in that to allow for artistic adjustment
Anway the heli shot is cool
I think other has real potential too, maybe shoot wider at sunset/rise, and don't cut the camp through the middle
I like the first helicopter shot. The sky IS the heli's "landscape" and the extra ground puts the horizon pretty much dead centre which doesn't look as good to me.
Like Gubb's I like the blown out sky.
Great shot,
Sorry if that was a little longer than you were expecting. I linked them all because I like them all in different ways and dont know how to choose between any of them and the helicopter shot I posted before. Thanks for taking a look.
Sigma SD9, SD14, and DP1
I really like what Snappy has done with your helicopter image - the colors seems so right for the desert too....
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
This must be one of Saddam's Palaces?? Interesting to see these images this way - High contrast B&W might be appropriate for some of these I think...
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I STILL LIKE THE HELICOPTER SHOT, the one first off, with or without the overlay. I love that shot. Almost makes the place look beautiful.
Actually, it does.
The palaces, too busy, IMO. The abstracts were my favorites of that bunch. The color ones. I am really into yellow, though.
I would go with the helicopter. No, take that back, I refuse to take responsibility here...................... I would go with what you like unless you get a certain word from the man in charge.........other than that, I still like the helicopter shot best.
ginger (I lifted that shot off and put it with my stuff, hehe, I could get a small one made...............probably won't, but I really love it, I think I love it best right now.)
I like No. 3 and the last one. The reason - Of the palace shots, No. 3 has enough of the river to make a nice lead-in to the image. The others have more horizontal lines and nothing diagonal to lead the eye into the image.
I like the little bit of human element in the last one as opposed to the version with no people. It's a little tightly cropped on the right, squeezing the man a bit though. The black and white of the ridge in b&w is nice too. I'd like to see it with a little deeper blacks, I think. High contrast. I still think the helicopter shot is my favorite. Your choice on the sky, but I like the color.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Sigma SD9, SD14, and DP1
I went back and studied the two versions of your helicopter shot. I concluded that I would not downgrade it for being blown out. The contrast is much greater with the white sky. Even the trees are silouetted nicely. The yellow and orange color bands are quite clearly differentiated. So the clear line between the yellow and white makes sense. It is almost like a huge ball of sun with the white being the center. I do remember Andy saying once, about someones photo, that he admired their courage to deliberately blow out the sky. It makes a very good way to add emphasis to the foreground. And Gubbs has already said he prefers it white. So, since it is your deliberate decision to have it white, I would go with it. It's always the artists decision and rules are made to be broken when you have a reason. Andy said so.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
By the way I really like the bridge shot of yours.. The crop works better for me and I thought I was going nuts when I was trying to find the building shadows you were talking about. I finally found them though and think the shot does well with or without them. Keep up the great shooting.
Sigma SD9, SD14, and DP1
Lot's of good stuff... great job.