Outback WA Panorama

Took this over the easter break, made up from about 9 photo's all handheld and joined using panorama maker 3.

This is the large linked off smugmug, not sure how to make it appear larger?
cheers for looking

This is the large linked off smugmug, not sure how to make it appear larger?
cheers for looking
May I take your picture?
Definitely a little hard to see pano details at 800 px. But I love the clouds.
will do exactly that and repost.
Its about 3 hours east of Perth, Western Australia. Normally the salt lake would be very dry but due to cyclone activity further north it has a layer of water on it providing some nice reflections and colour.
Here is the larger view
Far right you can see one person setting an abseil.
No dunes near where this photo was taken, but plenty about 1 and a half hours drive north of Perth. Unfortunately its always very windy and I'd just be paranoid about wind and sand and expensive camera gear:uhoh
cheers for the comments though.
If there's anywhere in the world that'll make you feel small, it's the Aussie outback.
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso