For everyones information...

I took Andys advice and checked out Keep in mind I had been looking for a subsitute to printing 8x10 prints for portfolios. Anyway, they printed my portfolio (33 images) and bound it for $9 when it had been costing me $90.
The quality is great, not 8x10 gloss prints but definatley a wonderful substitute. Very professional. Could be a great idea for printing vacation pics or family pics. Very nice presentation and a lot cheaper. They also let you post a PDF that people can download for free (heres mine) .

With the holidays coming up, thought this might be a good gift idea.
The quality is great, not 8x10 gloss prints but definatley a wonderful substitute. Very professional. Could be a great idea for printing vacation pics or family pics. Very nice presentation and a lot cheaper. They also let you post a PDF that people can download for free (heres mine) .

With the holidays coming up, thought this might be a good gift idea.
Sigma SD9, SD14, and DP1
One of the really cool things about is that you can have a
beautiful calendar for next to nothing.
One thing I immediately thought of was a calendar of pictures of past
Challenge winners. Baldy could sell it as a money maker for the site(s).
Just a thought. But I'd be willing to fork out for 12 months of some of
great shots from this site. Assemble the calendar and then add a "royalty"
and you're all set.
That really is a fantastic holiday gift idea. Family pics, current or a scanned history, or a special vacation or weekend would be a wonderful and unique present. Thanks for the idea!!
1. The image of Nancy Reagan in black being escorted, very moving.
2. I had read something similiar from Andy on another site recently but didn't pay it any mind since I'm not that interested in calendars. Seeing your portfolio though has really got me interested. I'm glad I saw this thread.
3. Thank you and Andy for making me aware of them.
Wow, I am impressed... It seems like you are only meters away from VIP's...
Great shots, perfect lighting. If you took those pictures I think all the big newspapers should fight for you.
These are quality pics...
I think I am going to save your pdf for future reference... You might rubb off on me.