First portraits
okay so me and my brother went driving around looking for places to do his Sr. Portraits... just so happens we come into the older part of town with nice buildings, parks, huge trees hanging over the roads and we find all the places we need
heres just a few from the outing... more to come once his gf can get off work.
any C&C is welcome because i'm going to be doing these for about 4 other people for Sr. Portraits and i need all the pointers i can get...
He brought a friend...
heres just a few from the outing... more to come once his gf can get off work.
any C&C is welcome because i'm going to be doing these for about 4 other people for Sr. Portraits and i need all the pointers i can get...
He brought a friend...
Daniel Bauer
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his idea on the belly... he wanted to show off his Tattoos
I'm grateful it doesn't. That shot of his tats is TMI, IMO.
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SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
normally... but he wanted something different... besides, we're going back out this thursday to the same area*ish* with his gf so i can get some more closer shots.
...just my .02
Make a reflector out of some cardboard and tinfoil...surprizing how much a little bounce light like can wake up a photo...also many young folk have the ball caps which can make for a challenge to light...with a reflector no problem...unless your shooting day turns out to be rain...ugh!
...I have my reflector on a tripod with a ball head...could not live without it. might want to put on some neutral density so you and open up the apature and get some of that forground and back ground out of focus...I finding it hard to fix my eye on the subject.
i'm gettin some foamcore for the next go.
On this basis, IMHO you've done a great job. You've taken obvious care to think through the settings, positioning and composition of these shots really well and the results speak for themselves - formal shots, but still relaxed and 'natural', and definitely among the better portraits typically posted in these forums. Well done Daniel, your photography is racing ahead in leaps and bounds!
thanks ross
matisyahu's cool and all, but what happens if the cat sells out down the road and is best known for being completely lame... a cardinal rule, generally learned in college: maintain positions of complete future deniability
... come along.
lol my moms making him go back out again for some of the same shots but in kahkis and a polo. he's gonna hate it.:D
hi daniel
a good start
maybe try getting a little closer
and shooting from above-below isn't usually all that flattering.
also maybe ,as he is your brother,sneak in and get a shower shot-always good fun!
Longitude: 145° 08'East
Canon 20d,EFS-60mm Macro,Canon 85mm/1.8. Pentax Spotmatic SP,Pentax Super Takumars 50/1.4 &135/3.5,Pentax Super-Multi-Coated Takumars 200/4 ,300/4,400/5.6,Sigma 600/8.
In some sense, Maty's already sold out But I think he's pretty cool.
Anyway, I was going to suggest that the T-shirt gives a certain sense of
time. When your bro looks back, he'll remember the music as well as a bit
of his time.
What you can do as the photographer is make sure he gets that plus
some "safety" shots. Those that your mom probably wants. He can change
up the wardrobe for a few. Alternatively, you can make some head shots
or pose him so the wardrobe isn't quite as prominent. Give him some variety
too. With glasses, without. Baseball cap, no baseball cap.
You get the idea.
Accepting that you need something to fix the shadow created by his hat,
I think you picked some creative poses. Not bad.
- every shot you showed has the subject's face in the shadow - was this intentional? If not than you really need to watch where the main light is coming from. Quality of light also matter and, here, it seems to be too harsh for good portraits. I'm sure he'd much rather have edgy, sharp shots like those of bands but you really gotta work the light. Reflectors do wonders.
- in every shot, his eyes are both far away and looking away. This would work but only if the framing is interesting or the surrounding areas has something meaningful.
Is there anything the subject sitting on a parkbench w/ trees behind him add to his character? Or sitting on stairs or standing next to a door with a reflection of his friend? It has to tell some kind of a story and i dont know if any of these really do that (except maybe his t-shirt)
Check out this guy's website... he's 15 years old and his talent far exceeds his age.
There's mood and emotion in his images you can almost feel.